
21 ways to keep a conversation going with a girl include dating tips places ideas and conversation hacks

21 ways to keep a conversation going with a girl include dating tips places ideas and conversation hacks

“Smooth Talker: 21 Proven Ways to Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl”

Keeping a conversation going with a girl can be tricky, but with the right approach, you can make it happen. Here are 21 ways to keep a conversation going with a girl:

  1. Ask open-ended questions. This will give her the opportunity to share more about herself and keep the conversation going.
  2. Share something about yourself. This will help to establish a connection and give her something to respond to.
  3. Listen actively. Show her that you are truly interested in what she has to say.
  4. Use positive body language. Nod, smile and maintain eye contact to show her that you’re engaged in the conversation.
  5. Find common ground. Look for shared interests or experiences to connect on.
  6. Use humor. Share a funny story or make a lighthearted comment to keep the conversation light and fun.
  7. Give compliments. Show her that you find her interesting and attractive.
  8. Use storytelling. Share a personal story or anecdote to keep her engaged.
  9. Use hypothetical questions. Ask her what she would do in a certain situation to spark her imagination.
  10. Use current events. Bring up a news article or a recent event to keep the conversation relevant and interesting.
  11. Ask for her opinion. Show her that you value her thoughts and opinions.
  12. Use pop culture references. Bring up a movie, TV show or song that you both like to keep the conversation going.
  13. Share your passions. Talk about something you’re passionate about and give her a glimpse into your interests.
  14. Suggest a fun activity or a unique date idea. Plan a unique and fun date that will keep the conversation going.
  15. Use hypothetical scenarios. Ask her what she would do in a certain situation to spark her imagination.
  16. Use open-ended statements. Make a statement and ask her to elaborate on it.
  17. Use storytelling. Share a personal story or anecdote to keep her engaged.
  18. Use hypothetical questions. Ask her what she would do in a certain situation to spark her imagination.
  19. Use current events. Bring up a news article or a recent event to keep the conversation relevant and interesting.
  20. Ask for her opinion. Show her that you value her thoughts and opinions.
  21. Show your sense of adventure. Plan a fun and unique date that will make her excited to spend time with you.

It’s important to remember that these are general tips and that every girl is unique and may have different preferences. The key is to be genuine, be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally. Be open to her perspective and be willing to adjust your conversation style to fit her preferences.


  1. “What do you like to do for fun?”
  2. “What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?”
  3. “What are some of your favorite movies or TV shows?”
  4. “What are you currently reading or what’s your favorite book?”
  5. “What’s your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?”
  6. “What’s your dream vacation destination?”
  7. “What do you do for work or what are you studying?”
  8. “What are your goals or aspirations for the future?”
  9. “What’s something you’re currently passionate about?”
  10. “What’s something interesting you learned recently?”
  11. “How do you like to spend your weekends?”
  12. “What’s your favorite hobby or activity?”
  13. “What’s your favorite type of food?”
  14. “What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind?”
  15. “What’s your favorite thing about your city/town?”
  16. “What’s your favorite thing about your job/school?”
  17. “What’s your favorite thing about yourself?”
  18. “What’s your favorite thing about me?”
  19. “What’s your favorite thing about our conversation so far?”
  20. “What are you looking forward to in the next few months?”
  21. “What’s your favorite thing about being single or in a relationship?”

In addition to asking open-ended questions, it’s also important to be a good listener and respond to her answers. Show her that you are truly interested in what she has to say, and try to find common ground to connect on. Also, it’s important to be aware of the context and the environment, for example, if you are in a noisy place, you may need to ask her to repeat or to move to a quieter place for a better conversation.

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