
These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!


Tattoos have been the latest craze.  You are sure to know a handful of people with tattoos multiple in fact.  It may seem as if you do not have a tattoo you are in the minority.  It may be surprising to read that researchers have identified old mummies dating back over 5300 years ago to have tattoos.

Ancient people were big on decorating the body and this was also used as a form of punishment but oftentimes one of the biggest reasons they decorated their bodies or tattoos were to be connected spiritually.  In this article we hope to achieve the deeper meaning of popular spirituality tattoos.

Spirituality Tattoos were the core existence of ancient people to protect them against the unknown.  The symbolism of tattoos were so strong that specific gods would protect women during labor and women would tattoo the figure on there top thighs!
According to Smithsonian.com


Given how long ago the ancient times were and how people used these to express themselves they still hold true today and spirituality tattoos are more common than ever!



Jacob D. Myers, a theologian and Ph.D. candidate at Emory University, spoke as tattoos to be significant in humans spirituality journey giving clues of their past life and how they hold true to it


thespiritualityworld.com  has ten examples of popular tattoos in today’s day in age.  Most people when getting a spirituality tattoo put some thought and some meaning in it and today we are going through different spirituality tattoos that hold spiritually significance.  

Before we get into the spirituality tattoos please be respectful towards tattoos people put on their body they are used for spirituality and religious purposes all the way to fashion statements.  Instead of judging, look at different ways of acceptance.  Tattoos are permanent and should be analysed in a way that tells a tale that is unique and solely yours!


#1 Spirituality Tattoos:  G > ^ v

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

We Love this spirituality tattoo!  It is so simple however speaks volumes about the humbleness and message it delivers.  This is a tattoo that is featured on Nick Jonas arm.  The Symbolism and characters mean, “God is greater than the highs and the lows”. 

It can be for religious spirituality however this tattoo regardless of the reason speaks volume and is very powerful therefore worth a top spot on spirituality tattoos.



#2 Spirituality Tattoos:  WaterThese 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

This picture is a traditional photo of a water tattoo.  These spirituality tattoos are very powerful based on the multiple meanings of water and the importance of human life.  Please keep in mind that the symbol of water does not need to be this exact photo above as there are different ways to portray the symbol.

This spirituality tattoos has a powerful meaning based on the essential part water was in different religious ceremonies.  Weather you are Sikh, Hindus, Muslim, Jewish or Christianity water is a powerful symbol within the place of worship.

Water in many cases signifies the meaning of purification and life and it is definitely an important part of our feature on spirituality tattoos!

#3 Spirituality Tattoos:OM

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

This third spirituality tattoos is very significant and reading it may not look right but we have all done it after a great yoga class.  Om is a sacred word with many meanings and hidden ideology.  In actual fact when speaking about the word in term of religion for Hindus it is a sacred word in which represents the whole universe!  If we future break down the word is has three different sound vibrations, pronounced:  (a-u-m).

These three different pillars represent the earth, atmosphere, and heaven. 

These spirituality tattoos are very common on the bodies of Hindus as it is a meaningful word for their faith.  As previously stated there are many reasons why someone would tattoo this on there body and various interpretations it can take.  It is believed that Tattoos OM on your body will protect you from evil and invite pleased karma into your journey of life.

#4 Spirituality Tattoos: Dove

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Above is a typical example of our next spirituality tattoos and how they would tropically look like. 

A Dove is a sacred symbol and we often see them getting let free from cages during religious ceremonies.  Throughout the bible a dove has been believed to be a messenger of the holy spirit.  A Dove signaled to Noah that the great flood was over.  In Greek Mythology there is a more romantic meaning as a dove symbolized the goddess of love which is known as Aphrodite. 

We more commonly interpret a dove as a symbol of love and it is an important symbol in out spirituality tattoos list!

#5 Spirituality Tattoos:  Cross

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Our Next spirituality tattoos are ones symbolizing crosses.  Crosses have different forms as many people may have one with Jesus Christ on it but regardless of the fine detail here is that they traditionally mean.

From the story of Jesus Chris and how he was born son of God and died on the cross for human sins we can interpret this as a sign of Gods eternal love, compassion. Power, and forgiveness.  The cross can just be an expression of faith.

Regardless the meaning we find it very connected to spirituality tattoos and important enough to be a very popular tattoo none the less!

#6 Spirituality Tattoos:  Triquetra

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!The Triquetra, a beautiful simple symbol takes our next spot in our spirituality tattoos blog.  Above is an typical representation of what this spirituality tattoo would look like. 

There may be different words to express the above symbol suck as Trinity Knot.  In Conclusion this is a which expresses consciously a contentedness to earth, sea, and sky.  This symbol was first created by Christians to further depict the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  When we look a little further in the meaning of this intricate symbol Triquetra it also can represent eternity in a spirituality sense. 

#7 Spirituality Tattoos:  Semi Colon

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Words Cannot express how much I love the meaning of our next spirituality Tattoo example.  Above we see a picture of a semi Colon.  In terms of meaning this represents in grammar terms a pause in a sentence.  Therefore this indicated there is more to come!

In Terms of out research from the readings of Project Semicolon dedicated to helping people with depression and suicide thoughts.  A Semi Colon means a strong commitment to life.  People that use this symbol want to show that there life has meaning and purpose and there is much more to come!

#8 Spirituality Tattoos:  Tree

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Above we see an important symbol spirituality wise and a common enough tattoo which we thought to mention.  A tree can have all different forms of shapes and sizes however has a very strong meaning in all religions.

The more we learn about trees the more we understand they are complex and interconnected to all living things.  They show symbolism in the form of strength nourishment and can act as a shield for those who need shelter or shade.

A tree is understood as of eternal life and a very important part in the Buddhist religion.  They believe that under specific trees you can meditate and reach enlightenment. 

#9 Spirituality Tattoos:  Lotus


These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!This Spirituality tattoo appears to look similar to the above photo.  The Lotus is a symbol with strong power especially in areas such as Asian religions.  The meaning of the plan and how it comes to fruition is enough symbolism to want to have this exotic plant the Lotus on your body as a tattoo.  It rises above water and blooms into a delicate flour.

This is a beautiful symbol which represents enlightenment, beauty, and a symbol of fertility.  We see many people feel a strong spirituality to living things such as trees plants and flowers that are common in there region and this is a great example of that.

#10 Spirituality Tattoos:  Anchor


Above is a typical example of how an anchor tattoo would look.  However it is very common to see people have many different colors and designs of an anchor.  This symbol can hold valuable meaning in terms of spirituality however if it is a common enough symbol in the aquatic world so many people will have different reasons as to why they would put this on their bodies. 

As far as spirituality is concerned the anchor was a powerful symbol of salvation, hope and eternal life.