
Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

This is one article I am very excited to research and write.  We commonly do not know a great deal about aboriginal spirituality.  I remember maybe in 3rd grade we did a curriculum on aboriginal spirituality and their beliefs.  You can imagine I have most likely not retained much or remember all that much. 


Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

I also find it important to be studying and researching this project because I sincerely believe that aboriginals were one of the first to discover  the importance of an emotional healthy mind.

Just so we understand what we will discuss and the key focus around the article it is important we break down the meanings of aboriginal and spirituality.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 
Aboriginal means the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region.  Another meaning is the word related to a meaning of the people who have been in the region from the earliest known time. 

As simple as this meaning is it is remarkable to think that Aboriginals have been a pioneer to spirituality right from the get go.

Spirituality ultimately means your connection or your tuned into an idea of something beyond you.  There are no tangible objects however it is in your soul.  Your spirituality will allow you to recognize that there is something more to the universe not recognized by the senses.  

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Aboriginal Spirituality: What Is Aboriginal Spirituality?

Part of listening, learning and living in respectful relationship with one another involves seeking to understand Indigenous spirituality, which is fundamental to many Indigenous people’s identity and worldview.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Someone with extensive knowledge of this topic is Indigenous Elder, Graham Paulson. Graham is the first ordained Indigenous Baptist pastor in Australia, and now has over 50 years of experience living and working in remote, rural and urban contexts.

Drawing on his experience and his deep knowledge of Indigenous Australian cultures, Graham Paulson explains several core aspects of Indigenous spirituality.

Aboriginal Spirituality is a complex category.  This is not easy to learn because there culture has been “ off the Grid” and ultimately unknown to society.  However through listening and learning the relationships Aboriginal Spirituality depicts we can learn a lot.

The fundamental basis of Aboriginals to the many indigenous people involves a greater understanding of spirituality. 

We are analyzing Graham Paulson’s work who has over 50 years of experience in working with Aboriginal Spiritualist.  Graham Paulson has a complex understanding on many aspects to the indigenous spirituality and the core beliefs.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 
His experiences have a first look at working remote in rural and urban contexts and he has taught us a lot about the following:

1. Aboriginal spiritualist is animistic
2. Aboriginal spiritualist is a cosmogony
3. Aboriginal spirituality is earthly
4. Aboriginal spirituality is totemic
5. Aboriginal spirituality is oral
6. Aboriginal spirituality is hierarchical

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Aboriginal Spirituality:  What Do They Believe In?


Aboriginal spirituality is the common conectedness to nature and the world around us.  There beliefs take place in the feeling of connection with all things around them: Trees, Grass, Plants, Animals, All living things.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Aboriginal Spirituality has some laws in which show how they prioritize the importance of there people and nature.  Some laws state that they are responsible for each other.  It strongly shows the connectedness with each other and further explains the connection they have to the community and others.

Aboriginal Spirituality is a law above others.  They do not only respect the items they can see or material world objects.  They protect the sacred world of energy.  The world that cannot be seen with your eyes but rather felt with your heart.  Aboriginal Spirituality focuses on all aspects and creates positive vibes!

Aboriginal Spirituality understands that there is a strong interconnection between plants, animals, land, water they understand this strong relationship and therefore it is sacred to protect and hold dear to themselves. 

Aboriginal Spirituality: How is Aboriginal Spirituality linked to the land?

Through this article it is very evident that Aboriginal people have a strong sense of connectedness to the land which furthermore highlights there spiritual being.

This connection is still holding strong for people of newer generations because they describe the land as comforting, detrimental to there health and culture and identity.

The Land and there interconnectedness is almost one of a priceless currency.  The land of there upbringing is sacred and there is much honor in it.  The way of life stems through the providing of fertile food and energy which land provides.

They look as land to be there food, there healer, there leisure, and well being.


Aboriginal spirituality and the sacredness of the land is expressed in Dreamtime.  A term more commonly known as story time in the western world.  Through this time many lessons are taught such as how to care for the land.  Lessons such as sharing all things provided by the land is the centre of focus.

Dreamtime also focuses on the significance of the land and the creatures it also cares for.


The Below picture shows the importance of land and how there is a extreme connection thorough land and Aboriginal spirituality.  



Aboriginal Spirituality: What do you need to know about Aboriginal culture?

Aboriginal culture is a broad topic as we can understand there are many aboriginals though the meaning provided in the beginning of the article.  The vast cultures all over the world still have similar beliefs and celebrate common successes. 

Due to the vast range of diverse groups we still see commonalities through aboriginals and there culture and aboriginal spirituality.  The importance and respect for the energy that not many humans can see.

Aboriginal spirituality and aboriginal culture takes the overlooked things and makes them eccentric in there beliefs.  We often overlook energy and positivity but they strive to obtain energy though the world around them and earths gifts.

“In this world, the invisible and the visible pulse with the same life and the sacred is not separated from the secular, they are interconnected and interactive. But also in this world, the unseen spiritual forces are stronger and hold sway over all nature.“