

Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided?: What to Expect; Read Now To Uncover The 10 Truths!

Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided?: What to Expect; Read Now To Uncover The Truth!

Are karmic relationships one-sided? Humans all want to love and be loved, however some of us end up in karmic relationships.  Whether it was hard wired into our brains as children with the programs we were raised on or from what our family has taught us, it has been ingrained in us from day one.

In this blog we will answer the question “Are karmic relationships one-sided?”, and we will understand the importance of identifying our relationship in terms of personal growth.

Many people will go through many relationships to find the “one”.  My niece had a boyfriend in Preschool!  Love and the search is a story on its own and we are willing to take the biggest risks in pursuit of it.  It is a journey with a blockbuster story.

As we continue we can find karmic relationships to be a significant part of learning.

Are karmic relationships one-sided?

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What is a karmic relationship, and are karmic relationships one-sided?  Do you have no idea, do not worry you will soon find out!

How to Identify a Karmic Relationship

You may feel you have some kind of unseen connection with someone it is hard to tell what that bond is and you experience a deep connection.  However you fight all the time and never find your relationship easy.  Turns out this is very common and there is a name for this:

Karmic relationships.  These are filled with times of smile and heartaches all at the same time!

“A karmic relationship has the perceived notion of one that’s filled with passion but is extremely difficult to keep in line,” explains Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University.

Dr. Hafeez goes on to say that these relationships normally do not last long term but they more often than not serve as a learning purpose for both who have entered a karmic relationship.

The term and meaning of what is a karmic relationship and am I in one can be perceived as a negative notion however it is also important to understand that with any mountain you climb you can gain a great personal growth quotes Dr. Hafeez.

“This is a chance you can really understand and learn about what you need in a relationship and learn lessons you never knew before as well as most significant lessons in love” she says.

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Signs of a karmic relationship

Is a karmic relationship one-sided? This question does not pose to be an easy feat for anyone especially if you are in a karmic relationship yourself.

In most situations you are in such a love hate relationship and have had so many issues you do not tell your friends about the issues you have been having you keep everything bottled up the the good times are good and you make excuses to yourself on how you are soul mates.

Below we are going to touch on some of the most common experiencing issues of negative signals when you are in a karmic relationship and this will further expand our knowledge on what is a karmic relationship! 

What is a Karmic Relationship

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Roller coaster of emotions

As we have been describing what is a karmic relationship you may have got more of an understanding that a definite sign is ROLLER COASTER OF EMOTIONS!  In simple terms one day there is pure happiness the next day there is misery. 

All love stories have their difficult moments and their issues in the road but in a karmic relationship rough moments feel like the end of the world.

If you find yourself in a karmic courtship you can find that any minor issues or speed bump can be an erupting volcano!

Are Karmic Relationships One-sided?:  They resemble a codependent relationship

codependent relationships : This point I say with a heavy heart because the relationship created dependency on each other.  I see this far too many times couples telling each other their every move sharing each and every moment of they day that there is no time to learn and grow on your own. 

With that being said this becomes a constant form of dependency on one another.

When this happens people find it difficult to cope and basically will enter any time of relationship because they do not know how it feels to be independent.

This dependency created havoc and a viscous cycle because you depend on the person so much and gain addiction to one another even know you see many red flags you find it extremely difficult to break up with each other even if you know this is not a long term commitment.


What is a Karmic Relationship

What is a Karmic Relationship 101

Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided?

Are karmic relationships one-sided? Yes, they are indeed. Karmic relationships are often toxic and one-sided as we have learned in this article. What happens is the relationship is based on one person being self serving to the other and there is no real love, just someone taking advantage of someone else.  

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Fearful of how it’ll end

Sometimes it’s easier to deal with an unhealthy relationship than face what may happen once it’s over.

From our studies we find that people often rather stay in there  relationship than face the tragic ending of what would happens when they end it.  In what is a karmic relationship we see that there is a lot of fear in ending the relationship.

Many things may be going through there heads like maybe this is the best i can get, or we love each other, or he or she will change.


What is a Karmic Relationship Vs. Twin Flame & Soulmate Relationships

One prominent reason why a lot of us cannot seem to let go of a karmic partner is that we think that they could be our soulmate or twin flame.

In this article regarding are karmic relationships one-sided we will further understand why we are hesitant to end the relationship we will look into twin flame and soulmate relationships.

When we are head over heels with someone we feel that they are the greatest thing possible.  We create this picture in our mind on how we can not live without them!

You will quickly realize that a karmic partner is just that a toxic relationship they are not a soulmate or twin flame.

Most significant differences in a karmic relationship a soulmate or a twin flame is how the respect is when teaching a lesson. 
Soulmates and Twin flames may hold compatibility with your soul however they are not a perfect match all the time.
The man core learning is how they teach lessons.

We find that karmic partners are rough, impatient, harsh, negative, condescending, and pretty hurtful.  Soulmates and twin flames hold a more gentle teaching and softer way of speaking.  

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We know what a karmic relationship is but what is the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame, then?

Interesting enough i always thought a soulmate was number one but based on research a soulmate is an excellent partner.  However a twin flame is a match made in heaven!!  Twin Flame relationships top the cake and are a highly romantic relationship


We can imagine that not everyone gets to meet their twin flame.
While reading this you may wonder if there is a way you can change the karmic relationship to a twin flame or soulmate category the short answer is unfortunately no.  

A karmic partner and the love path is just to complex to ever grow

A soulmate, and a twin flame, is not a transition is is just the deep connection of two people.

Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided?:  8 Karmic Relationship Symptoms

#1 They do not respect boundaries.

#2 They are dependent on you. 

#3 The connection between you is electrifying, but fleeting.

#4 You are confusingly addicted to them.

#5 They trigger your fears.

#6 Your relationship is on and off

#7 They are controlling.

#8 They are stubborn

Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided?: Love, Learn, Conquer

Hey we did not want to portray this in  a negative light however pose it as a learning perspective.  just like we have many jobs and career titles in our life we strive to find something that fits.  in this case a karmic relationship is a stepping stone to that perfect relationship.

We wanted to write this article more for you to understand how to identify it and learn how to love and build character so you understand what you want so you can find your perfect soul mate or better yet twin flame!!

And Remember please feel free to contact us and sign up for your free E book:)


Spiritual Awakening Headaches: 5 Important Things You Should Know Immediately!

Spiritual Awakening Headaches

Spiritual awakening headaches are very common and are a sign that you are progressing on your spiritual journey and experiencing spiritual awakening. In this article we will discuss causes of spiritual awakening headaches, symptoms of spiritual awakening headaches, the meaning of spiritual awakening headaches and how to heal yourself.

Spirituality headaches

Causes and Meaning of Spiritual Awakening Headaches

You can experience a spiritual awakening headache in any setting or in any part of your life. It is an internal occurrence and external forces have no impact on them. Spiritual awakening headaches occur when you are experiencing a spiritual awakening. This is due to the fact that our energies are shifting to a higher frequency. This extra energy is flowing through our chakras and body centres. However, it isn’t the actual energy that’s resulting in the spirituality headache. Spiritual awakening headaches are caused by our body’s reaction to the energy shift.

The crown chakra is located in the crown of the head and is mostly associated with spiritual awakening. During a spiritual awakening, all the extra energy that’s being vibrated through our body is passing through the crown chakra. Since the crown chakra is going into overdrive and more energy than usual is passing through, it can cause inflammation in the muscles surrounding it which then equates to spiritual awakening headaches.

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening Headaches

Headaches are so common, but how do you know if it is a regular headache or a spirituality headache? Spiritual awakening headaches range from barely there to pounding headaches. A common symptom of spiritual awakening headaches is that it’s quite frequent and there’s no end in sight. Another way to know if it’s a spirituality headache you’re experiencing is if painkillers don’t have any affect on dulling what you’re experiencing. Unfortunately there are no pills that can help reduce the effect of a spirituality headache. However, I will go through the steps to take to get rid of the headache.

How to Heal Your Spiritual Awakening Headaches

Unfortunately painkillers don’t have an effect on spiritual awakening headaches. You must spiritually heal yourself and ground yourself by following the steps outlined below. While experiencing a spirituality headache, remember the reason behind the headache. You are going through a spiritual awakening which is a great thing to achieve, so the headache is a good sign.

Below are the steps to heal your spiritual awakening headache.

  1. Gather crystals. Amethyst works best, but clear quartz is also effective if that’s all you have. You will need two of these crystals.
  2. black obsidian bracelet is almost our favorite tool to bring forth a calm aura
  3. Gather scents. You can use scents in the form of oils, candles, or incense sticks. Use menthol if you are doing this process in the morning, lavender if you are healing yourself in the evening, or sandalwood would work if that’s all you have (but it isn’t as effective).
  4. Drink water. Drink a whole glass of water. The temperature of the water does not matter, but you must drink it in one sitting.
  5. Lay down. While laying down, take a crystal in each hand. You must then press them into your temples gently and roll them slowly.
  6. Feel for the negative energy. Apply pressure to your temples with the stones where the pain is and you will notice the energy will move through your head. Keep following the pain with the stones until the pain is gone.

This process should take about half an hour but sometimes it may be a longer process if the spirituality headache still persists.

Spirituality headaches

It May Not Be A Spirituality Headache

If the steps above don’t help your headache, it may not be a spirituality headache after all.

Spirituality headaches

Some causes of regular headaches can be:

  1. Stress: An increase in physical or mental stress.
  2. Hormonal changes: Many women experience headaches before or after menstruation, or during early pregnancy.
  3. Lack of sleep or too much sleep: Even if you think you are sleeping the proper amount, you must look at if your sleep is interrupted. You may not be getting the proper amount of deep sleep. Too much sleep is also a common cause for headaches. Six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep a day is optimal.
  4. Caffeine: You must not only look at your coffee consumption, but other foods and drinks as well such as tea, soda, chocolate, energy drinks, and more. When you consume too much caffeine, a headache can occur.
  5. Food triggers: According to www.insightstate.com, common food triggers are listed below.
  • alcohol (especially champagne and red wine);
  • aged or strong cheese, particularly cheddar (ricotta, cottage, or cream cheese);
  • chicken liver;
  • pate;
  • papayas;
  • red plums;
  • pickles;
  • olives;
  • foods with artificial sweeteners, including diet sodas;
  • dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, dates, canned figs;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • foods that contain nitrates, such as cured meats, bacon, hot dogs, ham, sausage, salami, bologna, pepperoni;
  • foods that contain monosodium glutamates (MSG), such as Chinese food, meat tenderizers, or soy sauce.

Symptoms of migraines are:

  1. Moderate to severe pain
  2. Vomiting or nausea, upset stomach and/or abdominal pain
  3. Bright flashing lights
  4. Feeling very cold or very warm
  5. Blurred vision
  6. Sensitivity to sound, light, or odors
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Pain behind one eye or ear
  9. Temporary vision loss

What Happens After A Spiritual Awakening?

If you have determined that what you experienced was indeed a spirituality headache signalling a spiritual awakening, you may expect significant changes in your life. However, nothing will change externally in your life. What changes after a spiritual awakening is all internal.

When a spiritual awakening has occurred, you will notice that your frame of mind has completely changed. You will also feel a sense of peace and calming energy. You will also find that detaching yourself from anyone or anything that disturbs your tranquility will be very easy for you to do. This can include toxic people in your life that bring negative energy upon you, or things that you have that disturb your tranquility or bring you further away from your spiritual journey. It will also become easier for you to control your mind and thoughts, and not let anything external affect your positive vibrations and energy.


  • A spiritual awakening is a process of personal transformation that can be accompanied by physical and emotional symptoms, including headaches
  • These headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in energy and consciousness, emotional release, and the activation of the crown chakra
  • In this article, we will explore the causes and meaning of spiritual awakening headaches and provide tips for how to manage and alleviate them

Causes of Spiritual Awakening Headaches

  • Changes in energy and consciousness: A spiritual awakening can involve shifts in energy and consciousness, which can affect the physical body and cause headaches
  • Emotional release: As individuals awaken spiritually, they may experience a release of emotions that have been suppressed or repressed, which can also cause headaches
  • Crown chakra activation: The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment. When this chakra is activated during a spiritual awakening, it can cause physical symptoms such as headaches

Meaning of Spiritual Awakening Headaches

  • Headaches during a spiritual awakening can be a sign of personal transformation and growth
  • They can indicate that the individual is releasing old patterns and beliefs and making space for new insights and understanding
  • Headaches can also be a sign of resistance to the awakening process, as the ego may resist change and the expansion of consciousness

How to Cure Spiritual Awakening Headaches: 10 Steps

  1. Practice relaxation techniques: This can include deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help calm the mind and relax the body
  2. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep can help alleviate headaches and support the body during times of change
  3. Drink plenty of water: Dehydration can contribute to headaches, so make sure to stay hydrated
  4. Take breaks from technology: The blue light from screens can strain the eyes and contribute to headaches, so take breaks from technology to rest your eyes
  5. Use essential oils: Certain essential oils, such as peppermint and lavender, can help relieve headaches
  6. Practice self-care: Take time to care for your physical and emotional needs and prioritize self-care during this time of transformation
  7. Seek support: Surround yourself with supportive people and consider seeking the help of a therapist or coach to navigate the spiritual awakening process
  8. Release tension: Try activities such as massage, stretching, or acupuncture to help release physical tension and promote relaxation
  9. Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet can support the body and mind during times of change and may help alleviate headaches
  10. Trust the process: Remember that spiritual awakening is a process and that headaches can be a temporary symptom of this process. Trust that everything is happening for your highest good and that you will come out on the other side stronger and more awakened.

How to Become More In Touch Spiritually: 4 Examples

  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and can help individuals become more in touch with their own inner wisdom and spirituality.
  2. Explore spiritual practices: There are many spiritual practices that can help individuals connect with their higher selves and the divine, such as meditation, prayer, yoga, or journaling.
  3. Connect with nature: Nature can provide a sense of peace and connection to something greater and can be a powerful source of spiritual nourishment.
  4. Seek guidance: Consider working with a spiritual teacher, healer, or mentor to help guide you on your spiritual journey and provide support.

Here are some additional examples of ways to become more in touch spiritually:

  1. Practice gratitude: Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help shift your perspective and bring you closer to your spiritual self.
  2. Engage in service: Helping others and engaging in acts of service can bring a sense of purpose and connection to something greater.
  3. Explore your creativity: Engaging in creative activities such as art, music, or writing can help connect you to your inner wisdom and spirituality.
  4. Spend time in silence: Taking time to be quiet and still can help you tune into your own inner guidance and connect with your spiritual self.


  • Spiritual awakening headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in energy and consciousness, emotional release, and crown chakra activation
  • These headaches can be a sign of personal transformation and growth, or a sign of resistance to the awakening process
  • There are steps you can take to alleviate spiritual awakening headaches, including practicing relaxation techniques, getting enough sleep, and seeking support
  • There are also ways to become more in touch spiritually, such as practicing mindfulness, exploring spiritual practices, and engaging in acts of service
  • Remember to trust the process and allow yourself time and space to navigate this journey of personal transformation.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in learning more, I came across this video which you may find interesting:

black obsidian bracelets can also help for different benefits.  Free Physic readings are also available.


#1 Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning: The Best Guide To Figure Out And Manifest Your Future Now!

#1 Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning: The Best Guide To Figure Out And Manifest Your Future Now!

This is an important article piece on our blog.  Many of the people we interact with on a daily basis feel or sense something and are unsure what it is.  Many may think it is just nothing at all however these are many times most likely divine signs.  These ideas are gone over in detail  in our article piece entitled  Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life.

We feel this article is a perfect article to add to   Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life.  because now we are doing a deeper dive of signs and how there may be communications from other realms.  Honestly we do not want to spoil anything maybe even itchy ears can mean your ears are itchy.

In this article we will uncover the truths and look to pass on some knowledge for your fan base and ensure next time you have an itchy ear you take a moment and try to understand what is happening in your life and how can you make a connection with signs to help you through any challenge you may face.

There is a commonality with people who are more spiritual and interpret most events as a sign or omen.  We can understand that there is a connectivity to our spiritual and physical self which may be interpreted as every physical act to have a spiritual meaning.
#1 Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning: The Best Guide To Figure Out And Manifest Your Future Now!Itchy ears have been looked at for quite some time to be interconnected with a deeper spiritual meaning.

As we may already know the medical term for itching is:


#1 Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning: The Best Guide To Figure Out And Manifest Your Future Now!

But can there be a possibility that itching in certain body parts over periods of time are spiritual signs in which provide clues about how we can shape or existence.  We are about to find out the true meaning of itchy ears spiritual meaning.

Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning:   Is Our Body Trying To Communicate Something With Us?


From our research itchy ears spiritual meaning connections can mean very well so that your body is trying to communicate something with you.  As you slowly look into more of a spiritual meaning and shift your focus on spiritual health along side physical health you may begin to realize that there is a shift in all areas of your life.  This shift changes your frequency because you attract a more positive aspect into your life.


#1 Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning: The Best Guide To Figure Out And Manifest Your Future Now!

When you make a change to become a more mental spiritual being you instantly get symptoms short term that show you are on your way to becoming a more energetic self being.

What Does It Truly Mean When Your Ears Itch

We love this question because when yours ears itch you are learning to balance things out!
Remember this is not a little itch in your ear it is something more a divine sign in which you can not scratch off with the flick of your fingers.  You are trying to balance and change into a light based being oppose to a carbon base being.

These changes turn into physical changes as you spiritually grow.  as you continue to grow your body will make subtle changes in which make you a more present being.

We can easily compare it to children.  Arguably children are the most present beings they do not think of the future they are present.  However as they grow and they become older and go to school they get into this change which society tells them you need to chase a “carrot”.  They want to get better grades to be the 1st in there class.
They want to get a good job.
Climb a coperate ladder
Make more money

Until they realize this is not what makes them happy.

When we grown spiritually we become present in the moment and out body will adapt as we grow.


Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning:  Left Ear Vs Right Ear

Left ear is more signs of feminism and right ears are more signs of you getting in touch with your masculine side.  You may look at this and try to connect it to your personal self.  You may often notice that this is a way your spirits are telling you that you need to balance things out.  Many people have suffered this ringing for years however once they recognize it is the bodies way of telling them to bring attention to there inner self the ringing will stop!

Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning:  Ears and their Symbolism

As you are balancing out spiritual issues in your life such as:
Dark vs Light
Physical vs Spiritual balance-Learning what the synchronizes are in your life between the two and the battle in your current issues
Forgiveness vs Blame-you would normally push anger out there and blame people now we need to accept this.

The next step is to start forgiving your self and not put blame on people.  Once we change this shift in our thinking our bodies slowly change.

Given the symbolism our ears hold in out body these often trigger itchiness an inner spiritual sign we are slowly on the path to being woken!

#1 Itchy Ears Spiritual Meaning: The Best Guide To Figure Out And Manifest Your Future Now!


Right ear Itching and Left ear Itching – Will Riches and Money Be In My Future

I like to break down what exact riches you are looking for.  If it is in terms of money maybe this will come in your future but by no means is this a get rich quick scheme.  When we look at many successful people they have meditation and spiritual wholeness as a front and center of there daily routine.  So if your ear is itchy you are down a spiritual road which may in turn lead to many riches.

Through hard work, focus and drive you may be come the richest version of yourself and thrive in your physical and spiritual life!

DIY Spiritual Bath: Have 1 Now And Feel The Immediate Difference Today!

Spiritual Baths: Everything You Need To Know!

There are 2 types of people – people who love baths and those who avoid them. Us at thespiritualityworld.com personally prefer taking showers because they are quick and efficient, and don’t care much for baths. However, spiritual baths can really benefit your mind, body and soul and you should take the time to take them once in a while.

In this article you will learn how to prepare for the perfect spiritual bath, the items you will require, and how you will benefit from one immediately.

Spiritual bath

The Benefits Of A Spiritual Bath

A regular bath can be quite relaxing. It may entail some soft music, candles, perhaps a glass of wine, and some bubbles. However a spiritual bath takes the relaxation to the next level. It truly transforms your mind, body and soul and rejuvenates your being completely.

Spiritual baths are intended for spiritual hygiene and cleanses your energy and vibrations. After a spiritual bath, you will notice your senses feel more awakened, you feel more at peace, and your energy and spiritual vibrations will be much higher.


How To Prepare For A Spiritual Bath

The first step in preparing for a spiritual bath is to set aside an appropriate amount of time without distractions for you to be able to completely focus on your spiritual cleansing. Anywhere from 30-60 minutes is sufficient, but I would recommend the full 60 minutes for optimal results.

The next step is to ensure that your environment is in the right state. Make sure the tub is clean, as well as the rest of the bathroom. Tidy up. Ensure that the energy in the room is positive and will bring you peace. Fill the place with the things that will bring you the positive energy you need. This can include stones, plants, or candles.

You must also make sure your room has a scent that contributes to the energy – whether using essential oils in a diffuser or a candle, make sure it is a scent that brings you relaxation and rejuvenation.

Now that the visual environment is set as well as the scent, set the tone with music. Choose music that is relaxing and doesn’t have lyrics. The volume of the music is also important – make sure that it is at a comfortable level that isn’t too overpowering.

Once your environment is set properly for your spiritual bath, fill your bath with warm water.

We find that classical music and instrumental tones are important to ensure a relaxing spiritual bath.  Diff tent items in which heighten the sense can increase the whole effect of a spiritual bath.

Spiritual bath

The Key Ingredients In A Spiritual Bath

There are ready-made spiritual bath mixes that you can purchase, however it is always more cost-effective to create your own. Also, you are able to customize your spiritual bath mix the way you like if you do it yourself. Below I have listed the powerful ingredients for an effective spiritual bath.

Salt: Use 2 to 3 handfuls of natural salt in your spiritual bath. Natural salt is one of the most powerful ingredients in releasing negative energy from your body. You may use Pink Himalayan salt, Epsom salt, or natural sea salt but never use regular table salt as it has undergone a refining process.

Baking Soda: Use 1/4 cup to 2 cups of baking soda in your spiritual bath water. It will dissolve and will benefit you physically and will benefit your energy.

Lavender: Lavender brings calming energy and can be used in essential oil form or in whole buds that have been boiled in water. Use as much as you need to create the level of aroma that you desire. Lavender will have a calming effect  on your mental and emotional states.

Carnations: Carnations can be used if you have a broken heart that needs mending. Pink or red carnations may be used. If using carnations in your spiritual bath, boil them in a hot pot of water with honey and coconut milk, and then strain it using only the liquid in your bath. The liquid will soothe your heart and allow you to open your heart to others.

Rose Water: Rose water is great for practicing self-love and great for up-lifting your mood. If using rose water in your spiritual bath, you must boil the fresh petals of red or pink roses until the colour disappears. You must then let the petals cool before adding them to the bath water.

Herbs: There is a plethora of herbs that can be used in your spiritual bath which have plenty of healing effects and properties. Www.prevention.com has a great list which I have pasted below for your convenience. You can pick and choose based on your needs.

  • Chamomile relieves pain and provides relief from insect bites.
  • Dandelion flowers renew your skin and will drive away the winter blues.
  • Eucalyptus opens your lungs and helps you breathe.
  • Grated ginger enhances blood flow to all parts of your body.
  • Hops relieve insomnia and will leave you sleepy.
  • Jasmine enhances your mood and refreshes your skin.
  • Linden flowers aid in relaxation and could stifle a cold before it takes hold.
  • Meadowsweet relieves sore muscles and improves your mood.
  • Mint stimulates and heals your skin.
  • Orange blossoms aid in relaxation and lower blood pressure.
  • Parsley heals bruises.
  • Rosemary promotes relaxation.
  • Sage prevents stiff, sore muscles after a workout.
  • Stinging nettle promotes circulation and heals aching joints.

Spiritual bath

What To Do Once You Are In Your Spiritual Bath

Once you are in the bath, make sure that you clear your mind. Try not to think about anything at all. Focus your energy on simply cleansing your body and your thoughts. Some people also like to chant positive affirmations. You may chant things such as “I am amazing”, “I am smart”, “I can achieve anything I want”, “I am beautiful”, and so on.

During your preparation for a spiritual bath there are many spiritual kits.  These are spiritual tool kits in which you may be able to heighten your spirituality and connect with yourself consciously.

Spiritual bath

Take A Spiritual Bath Today!

I hope you found this article about spiritual baths informative. You are now equipped with all the necessary tools to create a highly effective spiritual bath which will cleanse your mind, body and soul. You will find that after a spiritual bath, you will feel better. You will have better energy and vibrations. You will attract positivity. You will feel more relaxed and at ease. Good things will come your way. Leave a message in the comments about how you felt after taking a spiritual bath.

And if you are still interested in learning more about spiritual baths, this is a great video that I found informative:

What Is A Karmic Relationship 101: Is Your Relationship Doomed Or Are You Soul Mates; Read Now To Uncover The Truth!

What Is A Karmic Relationship 101: Is Your Relationship Doomed Or Are You Soul Mates; Read Now To Uncover The Truth!


Humans have an uncanny ability of emotional love.  We all want it and search for it.  Whether it was hard wired into our brains as children with the programs we were raised on.  However it may be the fact that all we want is love and to be loved.

In what is a karmic relationship 101 we will understand the importance of identifying our relationship in terms of personal growth.

Many people will go through many relationships to find the “one”.  My niece had a boyfriend in Preschool!  Love and the search is a story on its own and we are willing to take the biggest risks in pursuit of it.  It is a journey with a blockbuster story.

As we continue we can find karmic relationships to me a significant part of learning.

What is a Karmic Relationship

And Remember please feel free to contact us and sign up for your free E book:)

What is a karmic relationship?  Do you have no idea, do not worry you will soon find out!

How to Identify a Karmic Relationship

You may feel you have some kind of unseen connection with someone it is hard to tell what that bond is and you experience a deep connection.  However fight all the time and never find your relationship easy.  Turns out this is very common and there is a name for this:

Karmic relationships.  These are filled with times of smile and heartaches all at the same time!

“A karmic relationship has the perceived notion of one that’s filled with passion but is extremely difficult to keep in line,” explains Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University.

DR Hafeez goes on to say that these relationships normally do not last long term but they more often than not serve as a learning purpose for both who have entered a karmic relationship.

The term and meaning of what is a karmic relationship and am I in one can be perceived as a negative notion however it is also important to understand that with any mountain you climb you can gain a great personal growth quotes DR Hafeez

“This is a chance you can really understand and learn about what you need in a relationship and learn lessons you never knew before as well as most significant lessons in love” she says.

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Signs of a karmic relationship

This does not pose to be an easy feat for anyone especially if you are in a karmic relationship yourself.

In most situations you are in such a love hate relationship and have had so many issues you do not tell your friends about the issues you have been having you keep everything bottled up the the good times are good and you make excuses to yourself on how you are soul mates.

Below we are going to touch on some of the most common experiencing issues of negative signals when you are in a karmic relationship and this will further expand our knowledge on what is a karmic relationship! 

What is a Karmic Relationship

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Roller coaster of emotions

As we have been describing what is a karmic relationship you may have got more of an understanding that a definite sign is ROLLER COASTER OF EMOTIONS!  In simple terms one day there is pure happiness the next day there is misery. 

All love stories have their difficult moments and their issues in the road but in a karmic relationship rough moments feel like the end of the world.

If you find yourself in a karmic courtship you can find that any minor issues or speed bump can be an erupting volcano!

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Resembles a codependent relationship

codependent relationships :This point I say with a heavy heart because the relationship created dependency on each other.  I see this far to many times couples telling each other there every move sharing each and every moment of they day that there is no time to learn and grow on your own. é

With that being said this becomes a constant form of dependency on one another.

When this happens people find it difficult to cope and basically will enter any time of relationship because they do not know how it feels to be independent.

This dependency created havoc and a viscous cycle because you depend on the person so much and gain addiction to one another even know you see many red flags you find it extremely difficult to break up with each other even if you know this is not a long term commitment.


What is a Karmic Relationship

What is a Karmic Relationship 101

What is a Karmic Relationship:  One-sided relationship

Karmic relationships are often toxic and one-sided as we have learned in this article what is a karmic relationship. What happens is the relationship is based on one person being self serving to the other and there is no real love just someone taking advantage of someone else.  

What is a Karmic Relationship:  Fearful of how it’ll end

Sometimes it’s easier to deal with an unhealthy relationship than face what may happen once it’s over.

From our studies we find that people often rather stay in there  relationship than face the tragic ending of what would happens when they end it.  In what is a karmic relationship we see that there is a lot of fear in ending the relationship.

Many things may be going through there heads like maybe this is the best i can get, or we love each other, or he or she will change.


What is a Karmic Relationship Vs. Twin Flame & Soulmate Relationships

One prominent reason why a lot of us cannot seem to let go of a karmic partner is that we think that they could be our soulmate or twin flame.
In this article what is a karmic relationship to further understand why we are hesitant to end the relationship we will look into twin flame and soulmate relationships.

When we are head over heels with someone we feel that they are the greatest thing possible.  We create this picture in our mind on how we can not live without them!

You will quickly realize that a karmic partner is just that a toxic relationship they are not a soulmate or twin flame.

Most significant differences in a karmic relationship a soulmate or a twin flame is how the respect is when teaching a lesson. 
Soulmates and Twin flames may hold compatibility with your soul however they are not a perfect match all the time.
The man core learning is how they teach lessons.

We find that karmic partners are rough, impatient, harsh, negative, condescending, and pretty hurtful.  Soulmates and twin flames hold a more gentle teaching and softer way of speaking.  

And Remember please feel free to contact us and sign up for your free E book:)

We know what a karmic relationship is but what is the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame, then?

Interesting enough i always thought a soulmate was number one but based on research a soulmate is an excellent partner.  However a twin flame is a match made in heaven!!  Twin Flame relationships top the cake and are a highly romantic relationship


We can imagine that not everyone gets to meet their twin flame.
While reading this you may wonder if there is a way you can change the karmic relationship to a twin flame or soulmate category the short answer is unfortunately no.  

A karmic partner and the love path is just to complex to ever grow

A soulmate, and a twin flame, is not a transition is is just the deep connection of two people.

What is a Karmic Relationship:  8 Karmic Relationship Symptoms

#1 They do not respect boundaries.

#2 They are dependent on you. 

#3 The connection between you is electrifying, but fleeting.

#4 You are confusingly addicted to them.

#5 They trigger your fears.

#6 Your relationship is on and off

#7 They are controlling.

#8 They are stubborn

What is a Karmic Relationship: Love, Learn, Conquer

Hey we did not want to portray this in  a negative light however pose it as a learning perspective.  just like we have many jobs and career titles in our life we strive to find something that fits.  in this case a karmic relationship is a stepping stone to that perfect relationship.

We wanted to write this article more for you to understand how to identify it and learn how to love and build character so you understand what you want so you can find your perfect soul mate or better yet twin flame!!

And Remember please feel free to contact us and sign up for your free E book:)


Dragon Chinese Zodiac – What Great Things Are Coming For You In 2021

Dragon Chinese Zodiac

Are you a Dragon Chinese Zodiac? The Dragon is the fifth Chinese zodiac animal and is a being which cannot be compared when it comes to talent and excellence. The dragon symbolizes immense nobleness, power, honour, success and good luck in a traditional Chinese culture sense.

The years of the Dragon Chinese Zodiac are: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024. For each of these years you must look into when the Chinese year began to determine if you fall into the Dragon category under the Chinese calendar. Once you have verified that you are indeed a Dragon, you will be able to learn more about your sign and what’s in store for you in the rest of this article.

In this blog on thespiritualityworld.com we will outline the characteristics of the Dragon, things they should know, what brings luck or hardships their way, as well as what’s in store for them in 2021.

Dragon Chinese Zodiac

The Dragon’s Personality

The Dragon is known to be a hothead. They have a reputation for being quick to speak without thinking first. They are aggressive and don’t know how to control their anger properly. This can get them into trouble from time to time.

However, they also have plenty of positive characteristics which give them an edge over everyone else. They have utmost courage and intelligence. They are confident and are not afraid to take risks. The Dragon  is a natural-born leader. They know how to take charge and get the job done!

Which Element Are You?

Each Dragon Chinese Zodiac year has one of five elements associated with it. Www.Chinahighlights.com outlines the Dragon Chinese Zodiac Years as seen below.

Years of the Dragon Chinese Zodiac Years Calendar Types of Dragon
1940 February 8, 1940 – January 26, 1941 Gold Dragon
1952 January 27, 1952 – February 13, 1953 Water Dragon
1964 February 13, 1964 – February 1, 1965 Wood Dragon
1976 January 31, 1976 – February 17, 1977 Fire Dragon
1988 February 17, 1988 – February 5, 1989 Earth Dragon
2000 February 5, 2000 – January 23, 2001 Gold Dragon
2012 January 23, 2012 – February 9, 2025 Water Dragon
2024 February 10, 2024 – January 28, 2025 Wood Dragon

So now that you know which Dragon Chinese Zodiac element you fall into, what does this mean you may ask? It isn’t only the animal in the Chinese calendar that truly depicts your personality. The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s element is equally important. Read below to learn more about each of the five Dragon Chinese Zodiac elements.

Gold: The Gold Dragon is unpredictable and has ever-changing emotions. They are natural and straight-forward and don’t hold anything back.

Water: The Water Dragon is far-sighted and has great perseverance. They don’t only think about immediate gratification but think more long-term. They are good at seeing the whole picture of things.

Wood: The Wood Dragon is more introverted and lacks good relationship skills. They like to keep to themselves and don’t let people in.

Fire: The Fire Dragon is incredibly smart and easygoing, however they tend to be unreliable.

Earth: The Earth Dragon is also extremely smart but they are also ambitious and hard-working which differs from the Fire element.

What Brings Luck To The Dragon?

The things that bring the Dragon luck are outlined below.

  • Lucky numbers: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky numbers are 1, 6 and 7
  • Lucky days: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky days are the 1st and 16th of all Chinese lunar calendar months
  • Lucky colours: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky colours are silver, gold and greyish white
  • Lucky flowers: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky flowers are the dragon flowers and the bleeding-heart vine
  • Lucky direction: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky directions are north, east, and south
  • Lucky months: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky months are the 3rd, 4th, and 7th Chinese lunar months

What Should The Dragon Avoid?

Things that bring bad luck to the Dragon Chinese Zodiac are listed below.

  • Unlucky colours: blue and green
  • Unlucky numbers: 3 and 8
  • Unlucky direction: northwest
  • Unlucky months: the 5th and 6th Chinese lunar months

Who Is The Dragon Compatible With?

Each of the Chinese zodiac signs have certain compatibility and incompatibility with other signs. The best matched signs for the Dragon is the rat, tiger and snake. On the contrary, the worst matches are the ox, goat and dog.

Dragons tend to be very generous and have a giving personality. They tend to be cautious when choosing to settle down and don’t take commitment lightly. When they do fall in love and decide to commit, they are in it for the long haul and will be a great life-long partner.

Aries Man Hot and Cold Game: Do You Give Up or Go All In? Read These 7 Tips Now!

Careers For The Dragon

The Dragon likes to take risks and always likes to be challenged. Some popular career options that the Dragon Chinese Zodiac will excel in are teacher, journalist, lawyer, architect, engineer, broker, or anything in sales. They are hardworking and are natural born leaders.

How To Tell If A Capricorn Man Is Not Interested

Health Tips For The Dragon

Due to the Dragon’s hardworking nature, they are quite healthy in general and not sedentary at all. A main health concern for them is stress and tension due to how high-strung they are. They must take care of their skin as well and and moisturize frequently. Also, as the dragon ages they should pay close attention to their liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines for issues.

Yoga, walking, or other forms of exercise are highly recommended for Dragons to stay healthy and to keep their stress and tension at bay.

What Does 2021 Bring For The Dragon?

The Dragon’s overall year will be good in 2021. They will experience growth opportunities in their career and they will have great health. Some things that they should pay particular attention to however is their carelessness and to think before they speak. Their words can easily become oral disputes that don’t end well. In terms of love, there won’t be much luck for the single dragons out there in 2021. They won’t find their Mr. Right or Mrs. Right in 2021 unfortunately. The dragons out there who are married however will have a great year with the unwavering support of their spouses.

Famous Dragons

Below are some famous dragons:

  • Charles Darwin: born on February 12, 1809, Earth Dragon
  • Bruce Lee: born on November 27, 1940, Gold Dragon
  • John Lennon: born on October 9, 1940, Gold Dragon
  • Vladimir Putin: born on October 7, 1952, Water Dragon

What Are The Other Chinese Zodiacs?

  • Rat
  • Ox
  • Tiger
  • Rabbit
  • Snake
  • Horse
  • Goat
  • Monkey
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig

If you are interested in learning more about the Dragon Chinese Zodiac, below is a video that you can watch.

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!


Tattoos have been the latest craze.  You are sure to know a handful of people with tattoos multiple in fact.  It may seem as if you do not have a tattoo you are in the minority.  It may be surprising to read that researchers have identified old mummies dating back over 5300 years ago to have tattoos.

Ancient people were big on decorating the body and this was also used as a form of punishment but oftentimes one of the biggest reasons they decorated their bodies or tattoos were to be connected spiritually.  In this article we hope to achieve the deeper meaning of popular spirituality tattoos.

Spirituality Tattoos were the core existence of ancient people to protect them against the unknown.  The symbolism of tattoos were so strong that specific gods would protect women during labor and women would tattoo the figure on there top thighs!
According to Smithsonian.com


Given how long ago the ancient times were and how people used these to express themselves they still hold true today and spirituality tattoos are more common than ever!



Jacob D. Myers, a theologian and Ph.D. candidate at Emory University, spoke as tattoos to be significant in humans spirituality journey giving clues of their past life and how they hold true to it


thespiritualityworld.com  has ten examples of popular tattoos in today’s day in age.  Most people when getting a spirituality tattoo put some thought and some meaning in it and today we are going through different spirituality tattoos that hold spiritually significance.  

Before we get into the spirituality tattoos please be respectful towards tattoos people put on their body they are used for spirituality and religious purposes all the way to fashion statements.  Instead of judging, look at different ways of acceptance.  Tattoos are permanent and should be analysed in a way that tells a tale that is unique and solely yours!


#1 Spirituality Tattoos:  G > ^ v

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

We Love this spirituality tattoo!  It is so simple however speaks volumes about the humbleness and message it delivers.  This is a tattoo that is featured on Nick Jonas arm.  The Symbolism and characters mean, “God is greater than the highs and the lows”. 

It can be for religious spirituality however this tattoo regardless of the reason speaks volume and is very powerful therefore worth a top spot on spirituality tattoos.



#2 Spirituality Tattoos:  WaterThese 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

This picture is a traditional photo of a water tattoo.  These spirituality tattoos are very powerful based on the multiple meanings of water and the importance of human life.  Please keep in mind that the symbol of water does not need to be this exact photo above as there are different ways to portray the symbol.

This spirituality tattoos has a powerful meaning based on the essential part water was in different religious ceremonies.  Weather you are Sikh, Hindus, Muslim, Jewish or Christianity water is a powerful symbol within the place of worship.

Water in many cases signifies the meaning of purification and life and it is definitely an important part of our feature on spirituality tattoos!

#3 Spirituality Tattoos:OM

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

This third spirituality tattoos is very significant and reading it may not look right but we have all done it after a great yoga class.  Om is a sacred word with many meanings and hidden ideology.  In actual fact when speaking about the word in term of religion for Hindus it is a sacred word in which represents the whole universe!  If we future break down the word is has three different sound vibrations, pronounced:  (a-u-m).

These three different pillars represent the earth, atmosphere, and heaven. 

These spirituality tattoos are very common on the bodies of Hindus as it is a meaningful word for their faith.  As previously stated there are many reasons why someone would tattoo this on there body and various interpretations it can take.  It is believed that Tattoos OM on your body will protect you from evil and invite pleased karma into your journey of life.

#4 Spirituality Tattoos: Dove

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Above is a typical example of our next spirituality tattoos and how they would tropically look like. 

A Dove is a sacred symbol and we often see them getting let free from cages during religious ceremonies.  Throughout the bible a dove has been believed to be a messenger of the holy spirit.  A Dove signaled to Noah that the great flood was over.  In Greek Mythology there is a more romantic meaning as a dove symbolized the goddess of love which is known as Aphrodite. 

We more commonly interpret a dove as a symbol of love and it is an important symbol in out spirituality tattoos list!

#5 Spirituality Tattoos:  Cross

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Our Next spirituality tattoos are ones symbolizing crosses.  Crosses have different forms as many people may have one with Jesus Christ on it but regardless of the fine detail here is that they traditionally mean.

From the story of Jesus Chris and how he was born son of God and died on the cross for human sins we can interpret this as a sign of Gods eternal love, compassion. Power, and forgiveness.  The cross can just be an expression of faith.

Regardless the meaning we find it very connected to spirituality tattoos and important enough to be a very popular tattoo none the less!

#6 Spirituality Tattoos:  Triquetra

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!The Triquetra, a beautiful simple symbol takes our next spot in our spirituality tattoos blog.  Above is an typical representation of what this spirituality tattoo would look like. 

There may be different words to express the above symbol suck as Trinity Knot.  In Conclusion this is a which expresses consciously a contentedness to earth, sea, and sky.  This symbol was first created by Christians to further depict the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  When we look a little further in the meaning of this intricate symbol Triquetra it also can represent eternity in a spirituality sense. 

#7 Spirituality Tattoos:  Semi Colon

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Words Cannot express how much I love the meaning of our next spirituality Tattoo example.  Above we see a picture of a semi Colon.  In terms of meaning this represents in grammar terms a pause in a sentence.  Therefore this indicated there is more to come!

In Terms of out research from the readings of Project Semicolon dedicated to helping people with depression and suicide thoughts.  A Semi Colon means a strong commitment to life.  People that use this symbol want to show that there life has meaning and purpose and there is much more to come!

#8 Spirituality Tattoos:  Tree

These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!

Above we see an important symbol spirituality wise and a common enough tattoo which we thought to mention.  A tree can have all different forms of shapes and sizes however has a very strong meaning in all religions.

The more we learn about trees the more we understand they are complex and interconnected to all living things.  They show symbolism in the form of strength nourishment and can act as a shield for those who need shelter or shade.

A tree is understood as of eternal life and a very important part in the Buddhist religion.  They believe that under specific trees you can meditate and reach enlightenment. 

#9 Spirituality Tattoos:  Lotus


These 10 Spirituality Tattoos Have Powerful Meanings: Why Not To Get This Tattoo Read Now!This Spirituality tattoo appears to look similar to the above photo.  The Lotus is a symbol with strong power especially in areas such as Asian religions.  The meaning of the plan and how it comes to fruition is enough symbolism to want to have this exotic plant the Lotus on your body as a tattoo.  It rises above water and blooms into a delicate flour.

This is a beautiful symbol which represents enlightenment, beauty, and a symbol of fertility.  We see many people feel a strong spirituality to living things such as trees plants and flowers that are common in there region and this is a great example of that.

#10 Spirituality Tattoos:  Anchor


Above is a typical example of how an anchor tattoo would look.  However it is very common to see people have many different colors and designs of an anchor.  This symbol can hold valuable meaning in terms of spirituality however if it is a common enough symbol in the aquatic world so many people will have different reasons as to why they would put this on their bodies. 

As far as spirituality is concerned the anchor was a powerful symbol of salvation, hope and eternal life. 


Spirituality Headaches 101: Learn How To Heal Yourself Now!

Spirituality Headaches

Spirituality headaches are very common and are a sign that you are progressing on your spirituality journey and experiencing spiritual awakening. In this article we will discuss causes of spirituality headaches, symptoms of spirituality headaches, meaning of spirituality headaches and how to heal yourself.

Spirituality headaches

Causes and Meaning of Spirituality Headaches

You can experience a spirituality headache in any setting or in any part of your life. It is an internal occurrence and external forces have no impact on them. Spirituality headaches occur when you are experiencing a spiritual awakening. This is due to the fact that our energies are shifting to a higher frequency. This extra energy is flowing through our chakras and body centres. However, it isn’t the actual energy that’s resulting in the spirituality headache. Spirituality headaches are caused by our body’s reaction to the energy shift.

The crown chakra is located in the crown of the head and is mostly associated with spiritual awakening. During a spiritual awakening, all the extra energy that’s being vibrated through our body is passing through the crown chakra. Since the crown chakra is going into overdrive and more energy than usual is passing through, it can cause inflammation in the muscles surrounding it which then equates to spirituality headaches.

Symptoms of Spirituality Headaches

Headaches are so common, but how do you know if it is a regular headache or a spirituality headache? Spirituality headaches range from barely there to pounding headaches. A common symptom of spirituality headaches is that it’s quite frequent and there’s no end in sight. Another way to know if it’s a spirituality headache you’re experiencing is if painkillers don’t have any affect on dulling what you’re experiencing. Unfortunately there are no pills that can help reduce the effect of a spirituality headache. However, I will go through the steps to take to get rid of the headache.

How to Heal Your Spirituality Headaches

Unfortunately painkillers don’t have an effect on spirituality headaches. You must spiritually heal yourself and ground yourself by following the steps outlined below. While experiencing a spirituality headache, remember the reason behind the headache. You are going through a spiritual awakening which is a great thing to achieve, so the headache is a good sign.

Below are the steps to heal your spirituality headache.

  1. Gather crystals. Amethyst works best, but clear quartz is also effective if that’s all you have. You will need two of these crystals.
  2. Gather scents. You can use scents in the form of oils, candles, or incense sticks. Use menthol if you are doing this process in the morning, lavender if you are healing yourself in the evening, or sandalwood would work if that’s all you have (but it isn’t as effective).
  3. Drink water. Drink a whole glass of water. The temperature of the water does not matter, but you must drink it in one sitting.
  4. Lay down. While laying down, take a crystal in each hand. You must then press them into your temples gently and roll them slowly.
  5. Feel for the negative energy. Apply pressure to your temples with the stones where the pain is and you will notice the energy will move through your head. Keep following the pain with the stones until the pain is gone.

This process should take about half an hour but sometimes it may be a longer process if the spirituality headache still persists.

Spirituality headaches

It May Not Be A Spirituality Headache

If the steps above don’t help your headache, it may not be a spirituality headache after all.

Spirituality headaches

Some causes of regular headaches can be:

  1. Stress: An increase in physical or mental stress.
  2. Hormonal changes: Many women experience headaches before or after menstruation, or during early pregnancy.
  3. Lack of sleep or too much sleep: Even if you think you are sleeping the proper amount, you must look at if your sleep is interrupted. You may not be getting the proper amount of deep sleep. Too much sleep is also a common cause for headaches. Six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep a day is optimal.
  4. Caffeine: You must not only look at your coffee consumption, but other foods and drinks as well such as tea, soda, chocolate, energy drinks, and more. When you consume too much caffeine, a headache can occur.
  5. Food triggers: According to www.insightstate.com, common food triggers are listed below.
  • alcohol (especially champagne and red wine);
  • aged or strong cheese, particularly cheddar (ricotta, cottage, or cream cheese);
  • chicken liver;
  • pate;
  • papayas;
  • red plums;
  • pickles;
  • olives;
  • foods with artificial sweeteners, including diet sodas;
  • dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, dates, canned figs;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • foods that contain nitrates, such as cured meats, bacon, hot dogs, ham, sausage, salami, bologna, pepperoni;
  • foods that contain monosodium glutamates (MSG), such as Chinese food, meat tenderizers, or soy sauce.

Symptoms of migraines are:

  1. Moderate to severe pain
  2. Vomiting or nausea, upset stomach and/or abdominal pain
  3. Bright flashing lights
  4. Feeling very cold or very warm
  5. Blurred vision
  6. Sensitivity to sound, light, or odors
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Pain behind one eye or ear
  9. Temporary vision loss

What Happens After A Spiritual Awakening?

If you have determined that what you experienced was indeed a spirituality headache signalling a spiritual awakening, you may expect significant changes in your life. However, nothing will change externally in your life. What changes after a spiritual awakening is all internal.

When a spiritual awakening has occurred, you will notice that your frame of mind has completely changed. You will also feel a sense of peace and calming energy. You will also find that detaching yourself from anyone or anything that disturbs your tranquility will be very easy for you to do. This can include toxic people in your life that bring negative energy upon you, or things that you have that disturb your tranquility or bring you further away from your spiritual journey. It will also become easier for you to control your mind and thoughts, and not let anything external affect your positive vibrations and energy.

Want to learn more?

If you are interested in learning more, I came across this video which you may find interesting:


How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You: 3 Tips That Will Make Cancer Men Fall in Love With You

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You: 3 Tips That Will Make Cancer Men Fall in Love With You

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You.  True, Cancer men are totally willing and eager to chase after a woman who does not open the door too wide for them. In fact, this can really kick them into gear if they are really attracted to you. They can REALLY become “hungry” and want to know more about you.

BUT, not just any cancer woman can make a man like her.

Yes, some cancer woman can make a man like her without all the makeup and pink and flowers and roses. They only like the real deal. The real person. The man with a family and life story. If you do not have that, you are better off thinking about what you can do to make yourself more attractive so you can attract your cancer man in a positive way.

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  Here are three reasons you should not be giving up on attracting your cancer man.

1. Cancer Men Want A woman Who Is Fit

Cancer men are looking for a woman who can provide them with what they need. They want a woman who has a good job, and is in shape. They have a tendency to become discouraged when they’re with a woman who doesn’t care for working out. They want someone who can play with them and will give them compliments.

This is not a bad thing. If you do not want to work out, that’s okay. But, if you want to attract him, do something to make yourself more fit. Get in shape. Go to the gym. Do cardio. Get in shape to show him that your a fit woman. If you’re not already doing it, start eating healthy.

2. Cancer Men Want A Woman Who Is Sexy

Sexy women attract cancer men naturally because cancer men are looking for a woman who has self confidence. You dont have to be Victoria Secret shape. But, if you have a bit of cellulite or a few extra pounds, men will notice and will be turned on by you. If you have to be super thin or perfectly toned, its not going to work. Men will see you as trampy and less desirable. They wont be attracted by your body if its not sexy. So, if you want to attract cancer men, lose some weight. Start working out.

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  Do Not Hold Back!


How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  Do Not Hold Back!

3. Cancer Men Want A Lady Who Can Go Where They Go

Cancer men look for women who are athletic. They love athletic women. Your not going to be perfect, but you want to be as good as possible. They are looking for a woman who can follow them. They do not want a woman who will try to take over every aspect of his life. He wants to feel comfortable, and confident when hes with you.


How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  Be Confident

You want to be the woman he can talk to. You want to be the woman he can trust and rely on. You do not want to be the woman that will try and change him, or throw her weight around. If you have some self esteem issues, it might be hard to do this. But, if you become more confident, and start having a little more confidence, he will love you for it. He will want to come home to you, and be around you more.

If you want to learn more about how to attract cancer men, and even how to make cancer men fall in love with you, check out our eBook “How to attract cancer men and even get cancer men to fall in love with you!”

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  Be Yourself!

That thing I mentioned earlier about Cancers needing a lot of encouragement this is one way to give it to them.

Cancer guys tend to do the more traditional thing when it comes to courtship, as in the man taking the lead. So, many will prefer to act first. This is ok, and you are allowed to follow suit. You are not supposed to lead. As an added bonus, because cancer guys are often quick to speak, your lead will make it easier for them to connect with you, as they will have more natural natural what we call natural turns from natural.

This goes to a couple of different places.

* Some guys are just not wired for the traditional way, and the traditional way is, generally, natural. If your love needs need assistance, lead but only in the appropriate manner.


How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You: 3 Tips That Will Make Cancer Men Fall in Love With You

* Other guys are more trained or trained through exposure they are trained to go out and be attractive. They aren’t trained to be good, to lead, or to know how to lead. In other words, their training is to be what they believe that they can be. If you are a Cancer, with training and exposure, it is more natural to be unsure, or to be unsure in what way. It is just what it is, by definition, or by experience. You are encouraged to be yourself.


You are encouraged to let your guard down, or downgrade, if you need to, and you are encouraged to trust your instincts. These are good things. I wouldn’t want you to feel obligated to keep your head on straight and your emotions in check. In fact, I’d want you to feel great, and let your emotions out as much as possible.


This does not necessarily mean that you are going to turn into a man buster.

How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  What Does He Want?

I don’t know, this sounds like a lot of pressure.

I say, you do what is best for you, but there are a couple of things you should consider when you go through this.

First, it is a good idea to try and understand this guy, and his particular psychology. You want to know why he acts the way he acts. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by a bad case of man flu.

Here are some basic rules I have about men I have known and love, and the men that I have met that I have loved.

– They are more likely to be hurt by a woman, who calls them often and begs, than a woman who has a “man card” with which they can use to demand things, and who doesn’t need to beg. The men who lack power are more likely to be upset with the women who have it.


How To Make A Cancer Man Chase You:  Is Family Important?

– The men who are most likely to get upset with you are those who feel that they are not in control of their world.


– Men who have been hurt by women before are unlikely to be happy with women who want to repeat the act.

– The worst case scenario with a man is that he might not love you.

In summary, if you want to keep your man, you have to accept this and be able to embrace it, like it, accept it, and be comfortable with it. It might be tough at first, but remember that this is the best thing for you. It’s worth going through the struggle to keep the relationship with your man on a solid level.

Aries Man Hot and Cold Game And How To Deal With It Once And For All…Read This Entire Article Now

Aries Man Hot and Cold Game And How To Deal With It Once And For All…Read This Entire Article Now



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These 3 texts made my Aries man hot for me in ten minutes

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>>>The Deadly Mistake Women Make That Will Drive Your Man Away From You<<<

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Aries Man Hot and Cold Game:  The reason why Aries man go hot and cold game is that they are all about themselves. They are all about what they want and what they feel, and they are terrible at reading other people. They can’t seem to tell the people they are with apart from Aries they mate with. There are so many people they will get into bed with or try to mate with that they end up getting hurt in the end.


Why Men Pull Away …

Do you know the top 3 mistakes women make that cause men to lose interest? I’ll explain exactly how to avoid making these attraction-killing errors.

When reading through countless articles we found the most effective way to stand out and get interest from men were hidden gems within this article finding.  Click here to reveal our findings.


Aries Man Hot and Cold Game:  Are They Serious About Commitment?

Arians want to be with Aries that are into them, which means they want to be in Aries life even more than they are in Aries life. So if the man can say the “L” word and say “I love you” then he can count. But how does a guy do this? Aries men have to go above and beyond.

Mars in Aries man is very passionate so they allow for themselves to push for what they want.

He has to be able to be an emotional man for Aries. Not just talk about love and say it, but show her that he really means it. This requires a man to go out of his way to be fun and entertaining. To be funny and not dull. To be thoughtful and know how to surprise Aries. To be funny even when he is tired and say funny things.


He has to understand that Aries likes a variety of things and he should be able to talk to her in whatever way she likes. When he notices that something is boring and he can’t talk about it then he has to find out something interesting to say about that thing. He has to find out something interesting about Aries likes so that he can talk about it to her.


When learning about men and specifically Aries we can find out many tips within this link that has helped countless of people! (click here)

Aries Man Hot and Cold Game: Do You Give Up or Go All In? Read These 7 Tips Now!

He has to find out a variety of things about her personality and about her life and have enough common interests to fill up a month’s worth of conversations. All of this can be done because Aries doesn’t care if a man knows anything about her. She likes him and if he can make her laugh then he can make her happy.

If you have any girl friends or family members, then you can take the time to get to know their likes and dislikes. This is the kind of way a man can ask to get a girl. You should also show them how smart you are and ask them how they can help a man with girls and with women. Ask them if they know any guy who knows women and vice versa. Explain to them why you would be great to have as a friend.


Aria’s are always around us, there are always her around us. When she is around the family or friends then it’s because she thinks she needs us. If a man knows his potential Aria’s then he can just pick up a random girl or man and see if they match his personality.
Mars in Aries man can be fearful and aggressive and enjoy play fighting.

Aries Man Hot and Cold Game: Do You Give Up or Go All In? Read These 7 Tips Now!

She is always around the man, but a man has to choose to be around her. If a man does so then she will be like there. When you are doing what you are doing, a man has to ask to be around you.


Men have to have women around them at all times. If a man is around other people then it means that he has no connection with them and he has to choose to be with you. The way a man can ask to be around you is by learning something about you. You can ask your man to learn about what he is doing wrong so that he can work on it.

Men have to ask for being around you, but if he asks then it will always be easy to be around you. Ask him how he feels so that he will be excited to be around you.



Aries Man Hot and Cold Game:  Is He Falling in Love With You? 


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To make an Aries man want you, you should also show off a little, as Aries men are also inspired by the passions and successes of others. So, show him yours. This does not mean coming up to him and yelling something you know he wants to hear. That will most likely frighten him off. However, you want to show him signs that you admire his successes and that you respect his accomplishments.

This will make Aries feel like they have no reason not to want you.


Show off your accomplishments. Every Aries loves to show off their accomplishments so you need to show him your accomplishments as well. Make sure they are of some sort of value to you. For example, if you are the president of an association, bring up some of your accomplishments and make sure you put a high value on them. If you have a degree, talk about the degree you hold. Make sure you do it in a way where you look credible.

It is also a good idea to show him your accomplishments from family members. This way he is shown the accomplishments of your family members.


Have relationships with other Aries. Another thing that is good is if you have a relationship with other Aries, especially the Aries that are similar to him. This will give him the idea that you are confident of yourself.

Establish a relationship with him. This does not mean that you need to talk to him all the time. It means that you need to establish a relationship with him. The best way to do this is to pick out dates that are unique. For example, you could pick out a restaurant you want to eat in and do it exclusively. You can also pick out a movie you want to see together and make sure you get it.


Even if you pick out a movie you already know you will both like, it will make a relationship that much more special. If you are not together yet, be sure that you are working toward being together. This will give him more of a reason to fall in love with you.


Aries Man Hot and Cold Game:  Be Sure to Work on Your Romantic Time With Him

Now, you have known him for awhile and you have shown him signs that you admire his accomplishments and you respect his successes. The next step is to let him know that you are interested. It does not mean you need to give him a heavy hand job. There are many ways to do this. Be sure to do it in a way that is natural and does not come across as a ploy. The best way to do this is by being friendly.

One of the top dating sites were my sister met her husband and were people are genuine with great values and morals can be found when clicking here

Avoid teasing him or acting over eager. You want to make sure that you do it in a way that is non-threatening. This will let him know you are interested and that you would be a good addition to his life.

Now you need to work on your romantic time with him. The best way to do this is to work on making it fun. You should not show him that you are desperate for him. Just continue to be friendly and let him see that you are interested. Work on having fun. This will make the time together enjoyable. It will also show him that you are a woman he can have fun with.


  1. Aries men are independent and self-focused: As a fire sign, Aries men are known for their independence and self-focus. They may become hot and cold in relationships because they are more concerned with their own needs and desires than with the needs and desires of their partner.
  2. Aries men are impulsive: Aries men are known for their impulsive nature, which can cause them to act or react in unexpected ways. This can make them hot and cold in relationships, as they may go from being intensely interested in their partner one moment to losing interest the next.
  3. Aries men have a short attention span: Aries men are known for their short attention span and may become quickly bored with anything that is not exciting or stimulating. This can make them hot and cold in relationships, as they may lose interest if their partner is not able to keep up with their high energy and need for constant novelty.
  4. Aries men are prone to mood swings: Aries men are ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggression, which can make them prone to mood swings. These mood swings may cause them to become hot and cold in relationships, as they may go from being affectionate and loving to distant and aloof.
  5. Aries men are competitive: Aries men are known for their competitive nature and may become hot and cold in relationships if they feel that their partner is not meeting their high standards or expectations.
  6. Aries men are not good at reading other people’s emotions: Aries men are not known for their emotional intelligence and may struggle with understanding the emotions and needs of their partner. This can make them hot and cold in relationships, as they may not realize when they are causing hurt or discomfort.
  7. Aries men are not good at communicating their needs: Aries men may struggle with expressing their needs and desires in relationships, which can cause them to become hot and cold as they try to figure out how to get their needs met.
  8. Aries men may be afraid of vulnerability: Aries men are known for their tough exterior and may be afraid of vulnerability and emotional intimacy. This fear may cause them to become hot and cold in relationships, as they may push
Stephen Linardi
  1. Aries men may have a fear of commitment: Aries men are known for their desire for freedom and independence, which can make them resistant to commitment in relationships. This fear of commitment may cause them to become hot and cold, as they may be unsure if they want to fully commit to their partner.
  2. Aries men may have trust issues: Aries men may have trust issues due to past experiences, which can cause them to become hot and cold in relationships. They may struggle with fully committing and opening up to their partner if they do not feel that they can trust them.

Gestures a woman can do to make an Aries man become interested:

  1. Show your independent and self-sufficient side: Aries men are attracted to independent and self-sufficient women who are able to take care of themselves and do not rely on them for everything.
  2. Be adventurous and spontaneous: Aries men are attracted to women who are up for trying new things and are spontaneous. Engaging in exciting and adventurous activities can help spark their interest.
  3. Be confident and assertive: Aries men are drawn to confident and assertive women who are able to stand up for themselves and speak their minds.
  4. Be independent and self-reliant: Aries men are attracted to women who are able to take care of themselves and do not rely on them for everything.
  5. Show your passion and enthusiasm: Aries men are attracted to women who are passionate and enthusiastic about their interests and pursuits.
  6. Be open and honest: Aries men appreciate honesty and straightforwardness, and are attracted to women who are open and authentic.
  7. Be spontaneous and unpredictable: Aries men enjoy novelty and excitement, and are attracted to women who are spontaneous and unpredictable.
  8. Be confident and self-assured: Aries men are attracted to women who are confident and self-assured, and who know their own worth.
  9. Show your intelligence and wit: Aries men are attracted to smart and witty women who can keep up with their high energy and quick mind.
  10. Be independent and self-sufficient: Aries men are attracted to women who are able to take care of themselves and do not rely on them for everything.

This Article has a lot of information on specific topic of Aries man but over the course of time we want to branch it out to different topics of interest seen below:

Aries man Leo Woman
Aries man Cancer woman
Aries man in love
Aries man Libra woman
Aries man Pisces woman
Virgo man Aries Woman
Virgo Man and Aries Woman
Aries Woman Gemini Man
Aries woman and Capricorn man
Libra man and Aries woman
Aquarius man Aries woman
Aquarius man and Aries women
Aries women Gemini Man
Venus in Aries man
Virgo man and Aries woman
Virgo man Aries woman

Aries Man Leo Woman-  The Aries man Leo woman are two signs that have a high level of passion and love for each other. This holds true If the Sun-Moon position has a positive effect on the,.  They will have a life filled with love passion and happiness.

Aries man cancer woman- This pair is excellent.  The relationship of Aries man cancer woman understand and work on a similar goal.  Their partnership has different strengths and weaknesses and that is what makes Aries man cancer woman a good fit.

Aries man in love- Aries man in love is very interesting he will agree with what you say and do anything to make you happy.  Aries man in love does whatever he can to keep there partner happy.  There passion is a sign that they are searching for a long term commitment.

Venus in Aries man-  This sign works well together that have signs in which can be passionate and demanding lovers.  Venus in aries man they want to be in a relationship and go 0 to 100 very quick!