
Dragon Chinese Zodiac – What Great Things Are Coming For You In 2021

Dragon Chinese Zodiac

Are you a Dragon Chinese Zodiac? The Dragon is the fifth Chinese zodiac animal and is a being which cannot be compared when it comes to talent and excellence. The dragon symbolizes immense nobleness, power, honour, success and good luck in a traditional Chinese culture sense.

The years of the Dragon Chinese Zodiac are: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024. For each of these years you must look into when the Chinese year began to determine if you fall into the Dragon category under the Chinese calendar. Once you have verified that you are indeed a Dragon, you will be able to learn more about your sign and what’s in store for you in the rest of this article.

In this blog on thespiritualityworld.com we will outline the characteristics of the Dragon, things they should know, what brings luck or hardships their way, as well as what’s in store for them in 2021.

Dragon Chinese Zodiac

The Dragon’s Personality

The Dragon is known to be a hothead. They have a reputation for being quick to speak without thinking first. They are aggressive and don’t know how to control their anger properly. This can get them into trouble from time to time.

However, they also have plenty of positive characteristics which give them an edge over everyone else. They have utmost courage and intelligence. They are confident and are not afraid to take risks. The Dragon  is a natural-born leader. They know how to take charge and get the job done!

Which Element Are You?

Each Dragon Chinese Zodiac year has one of five elements associated with it. Www.Chinahighlights.com outlines the Dragon Chinese Zodiac Years as seen below.

Years of the Dragon Chinese Zodiac Years Calendar Types of Dragon
1940 February 8, 1940 – January 26, 1941 Gold Dragon
1952 January 27, 1952 – February 13, 1953 Water Dragon
1964 February 13, 1964 – February 1, 1965 Wood Dragon
1976 January 31, 1976 – February 17, 1977 Fire Dragon
1988 February 17, 1988 – February 5, 1989 Earth Dragon
2000 February 5, 2000 – January 23, 2001 Gold Dragon
2012 January 23, 2012 – February 9, 2025 Water Dragon
2024 February 10, 2024 – January 28, 2025 Wood Dragon

So now that you know which Dragon Chinese Zodiac element you fall into, what does this mean you may ask? It isn’t only the animal in the Chinese calendar that truly depicts your personality. The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s element is equally important. Read below to learn more about each of the five Dragon Chinese Zodiac elements.

Gold: The Gold Dragon is unpredictable and has ever-changing emotions. They are natural and straight-forward and don’t hold anything back.

Water: The Water Dragon is far-sighted and has great perseverance. They don’t only think about immediate gratification but think more long-term. They are good at seeing the whole picture of things.

Wood: The Wood Dragon is more introverted and lacks good relationship skills. They like to keep to themselves and don’t let people in.

Fire: The Fire Dragon is incredibly smart and easygoing, however they tend to be unreliable.

Earth: The Earth Dragon is also extremely smart but they are also ambitious and hard-working which differs from the Fire element.

What Brings Luck To The Dragon?

The things that bring the Dragon luck are outlined below.

  • Lucky numbers: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky numbers are 1, 6 and 7
  • Lucky days: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky days are the 1st and 16th of all Chinese lunar calendar months
  • Lucky colours: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky colours are silver, gold and greyish white
  • Lucky flowers: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky flowers are the dragon flowers and the bleeding-heart vine
  • Lucky direction: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky directions are north, east, and south
  • Lucky months: The Dragon Chinese Zodiac’s lucky months are the 3rd, 4th, and 7th Chinese lunar months

What Should The Dragon Avoid?

Things that bring bad luck to the Dragon Chinese Zodiac are listed below.

  • Unlucky colours: blue and green
  • Unlucky numbers: 3 and 8
  • Unlucky direction: northwest
  • Unlucky months: the 5th and 6th Chinese lunar months

Who Is The Dragon Compatible With?

Each of the Chinese zodiac signs have certain compatibility and incompatibility with other signs. The best matched signs for the Dragon is the rat, tiger and snake. On the contrary, the worst matches are the ox, goat and dog.

Dragons tend to be very generous and have a giving personality. They tend to be cautious when choosing to settle down and don’t take commitment lightly. When they do fall in love and decide to commit, they are in it for the long haul and will be a great life-long partner.

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Careers For The Dragon

The Dragon likes to take risks and always likes to be challenged. Some popular career options that the Dragon Chinese Zodiac will excel in are teacher, journalist, lawyer, architect, engineer, broker, or anything in sales. They are hardworking and are natural born leaders.

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Health Tips For The Dragon

Due to the Dragon’s hardworking nature, they are quite healthy in general and not sedentary at all. A main health concern for them is stress and tension due to how high-strung they are. They must take care of their skin as well and and moisturize frequently. Also, as the dragon ages they should pay close attention to their liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines for issues.

Yoga, walking, or other forms of exercise are highly recommended for Dragons to stay healthy and to keep their stress and tension at bay.

What Does 2021 Bring For The Dragon?

The Dragon’s overall year will be good in 2021. They will experience growth opportunities in their career and they will have great health. Some things that they should pay particular attention to however is their carelessness and to think before they speak. Their words can easily become oral disputes that don’t end well. In terms of love, there won’t be much luck for the single dragons out there in 2021. They won’t find their Mr. Right or Mrs. Right in 2021 unfortunately. The dragons out there who are married however will have a great year with the unwavering support of their spouses.

Famous Dragons

Below are some famous dragons:

  • Charles Darwin: born on February 12, 1809, Earth Dragon
  • Bruce Lee: born on November 27, 1940, Gold Dragon
  • John Lennon: born on October 9, 1940, Gold Dragon
  • Vladimir Putin: born on October 7, 1952, Water Dragon

What Are The Other Chinese Zodiacs?

  • Rat
  • Ox
  • Tiger
  • Rabbit
  • Snake
  • Horse
  • Goat
  • Monkey
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig

If you are interested in learning more about the Dragon Chinese Zodiac, below is a video that you can watch.