
The Black Zodiac: The Dark Side of the 12 Signs

The Black Zodiac Signs

What Are The Black Zodiac Signs? 

All of us have a side we would like to hide. We have all heard about the main-stream characteristics of different zodiac signs, but did you know there is a darker side to all of them which is also known as the black zodiac signs or the dark zodiac signs. The dark zodiac or the black zodiac is the darker equivalent to the Western Astrological Zodiac. The black zodiac represents evil tendencies in humans based on when they were born. 

The black zodiac is not well-known and is neglected by people. However, it is just as important to know. It is important to know your own black zodiac characteristics so that you can be more mindful about how you act and react to things, and it is equally important to be aware of the black zodiac characteristics of those around you that you interact with.


Have you ever wondered what the darker side of the zodiacs are? In this article, us at The Spirituality World will go through the less-known dark side of each zodiac and what they entail. Please keep in mind when reading through the zodiacs that these characteristics can be harnessed in a positive or negative way and that not everyone will use their characteristics in a negative way.

Now let’s get into each of the 12 black zodiac signs.

The Tyrant Aries (March 21-April 19)

The black zodiac of Aries shows they are impulsive and impatient people, especially when it comes down to making a decision. They don’t like to take too much time thinking about a decision carefully. They want to make a decision quickly and move on to the next task. They will do what they want to do regardless if you like it or not.

They can also act quite immaturely as part of their black zodiac. They are never satisfied with anything and they always want more out of people. They won’t stop at anything in order to satisfy their needs. They know what they want and how they want it, and will not stop until it is achieved.

Black Zodiac - The Tyrant Aries

The Fallen Demon Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus’ only remember the bad times and these bad memories haunt them every day. Their black zodiac shows they don’t pay attention to any of the positive things that happen to them in their life and hold strong grudges for life. They are not very optimistic that good things may happen to them.

Furthermore, if you do something wrong to a Taurus, they will never let it go and will never treat you the same. They hold grudges for life and will expect you to continue doing them wrong.

Taurus’ are also materialistic and possessive and are not good with sharing. What’s theirs is theirs, and what’s yours is also theirs. They are self-centred and only care about themselves.

Dark Zodiac - The Fallen Demon Taurus

The Basilisk Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini’s can be very dangerous and have multiple personalities. One second they will act like everything is normal, and the next second they will act like another person. They try to put on an act and not show their bad side but situations always reveal their other personalities that are hiding beneath the exterior of the black zodiac.


People who are close to Gemini’s know their true self and tendencies and have fear of them. You will never know which of their personalities you will encounter on any given day, and the switch can be flipped very easily (and usually for no reason) from one personality to the other. Those who aren’t close to Gemini’s will eventually come across their other side that the black zodiac entails and will find out the hard way. 

The Basilisk Gemini

The Serpent Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer’s know how to get people to trust them, and following this they will exploit them. They are known for their wisdom and deceit under the black zodiac – they are manipulative in an outstanding way. Be careful around cancers.  They know how to get close to people and will then figure out ways to use them to their advantage. They are quite cunning and smart.

The Serpent Cancer

Dark Zodiac – The Serpent Cancer

The War Maiden Leo (July 31-August 22)

Leo’s are a paradox in the black zodiac. They focus on positive things but always expect the worst to happen. They anticipate for hardships and they create problems for themselves if they feel ignored since they crave attention. They do not expect good things to happen to them and those around them. They are always on guard for the most terrible outcome possible which is truly unfortunate.

The War Maiden Leo

Dark Zodiac – The War Maiden Leo

The Maelstrom Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo’s black zodiac characterizes them as dangerous, judgmental and harsh. They are jealous people and may harm you if you come in the way of them getting something they want. They are focused on getting what they want, when they want it, and you better steer clear of their path. 

Virgos are also extremely dramatic people and make situations more difficult and complex than they need to be. They attract drama and nothing can ever go simple if it involves them. They will make a simple occurrence into a dramatic situation. It’s true what they say that life is mostly based on how you react to things instead of what happens to you in life. You will notice that they will always have a dramatic story to tell you. Drama follows them in everything they do and they live for it. 

Dark Zodiac - The Maelstrom Virgo

Dark Zodiac – The Maelstrom Virgo

The Ravenous Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra’s are always hungry for things and are always looking to explore new things which isn’t always a good thing. The black zodiac reveals they are selfish beings and will use people to get what they want, how they want it. They are never satisfied with what they have and always think the grass is greener on the other side. Libra’s are not always the most loyal and trustworthy. They will use you until they find someone else or something else that will serve them better.

The Ravenous Libra

Dark Zodiac – The Ravenous Libra

The Poisoned Dart Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio’s are manipulative individuals and are always waiting for the perfect time to strike. They are good listeners, but they will only listen carefully so that they can use things you say against you which the black zodiac reveals. Scorpio’s also overreact and have a bad temper. A simple disagreement will always result in a full-blown and heated argument. There is no point in arguing with a Scorpio since they will not listen to a word you’re saying. A word of caution is that it is always best to wait a Scorpio calms down before speaking to them if you want to have a logical conversation with them.


The Poisoned Dart Scorpio

Dark Zodiac – The Poisoned Dart Scorpio

The Tempest Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius’ are carefree and don’t care about anything that gets in their way. They don’t regard anyone or anything as more important than them getting what they want. They don’t think before speaking and are impulsive with their words which results in those close to them feeling hurt quite often. Therefore they are seen as rude, aggressive, offensive, and obnoxious under the black zodiac.

The Tempest Sagittarius

Dark Zodiac – The Tempest Sagittarius

The Leviathan Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn’s are difficult to understand and are very mysterious beings. You will never know what a Capricorn is truly thinking or feeling. They are also lovers of gossip and are always talking negatively about others. They betray those closest to them and aren’t good with friendships. Be careful what you tell a Capricorn and make sure you don’t tell them anything that you prefer not to spread to 10 people by tomorrow.  The black zodiac shows that they are not very trustworthy or loyal.


The Leviathan Capricorn

Dark Zodiac – The Leviathan Capricorn

The Beast Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius’ are a very evil black zodiac sign and will never let someone get ahead of them. They think they are more worthy than anyone else. They are the Master of Demons. They are emotionless and try to hurt their opponents. They are also quick to judge and love to offer advice when it isn’t warranted.

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The Beast Aquarius

Dark Zodiac – The Beast Aquarius

The Sword Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces’ are selfish and self-centred in the black zodiac and try to gain profit from everything possible. They pull others down who are around them and are designed to hurt others. You have to be mentally strong if you want to be friends with a Pisces because they will try to knock you down again and again.

The Sword Pisces

Dark Zodiac – The Sword Pisces

What Are The Most Important Aspects In A Relationship By Sign?

The Black Tux states that fire signs (which are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and water signs (which are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) value communication as the most important aspect in a relationship. On the other hand, earth signs (which are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and air signs (which are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) regard trust as the most important part of a relationship.

Water signs and earth signs make the best match, and so do fire and air signs. This could create problems since they have different priorities in a relationship. However, communication and trust do go hand and hand.


Furthermore, physical attraction is most important to Leo and Taurus, and respect is most important to the rest of the black zodiacs.

What Should You Do Now That You Know The Black Zodiac?

As The Law Of Attraction states:  “Not all of these darker traits may apply to you. However, you might find some of them resonate with you. While these show the dark side of each zodiac, try to also see the positive. In this way, if you do relate to any of the following, it may be beneficial to focus on improving that area of your life.”

In other words, you can use this knowledge of the black zodiac to your advantage. All of these evil tendencies can be turned into positives if you are fully aware of the black zodiac and how it works. You can learn how to harness each of the black zodiac’s energy properly. This proves true for your own black zodiac, as well as the black zodiac characteristics of those around you. You are now ahead of the curve since not many people are even aware that the black zodiac exists.

Go In Peace!

A word of caution is that you should not tell those close to you about their black zodiac characteristics. It can be very hardening to hear these things, and the characteristics are not always the case of everyone. Each individual can use the black zodiac tendencies in a positive or negative way. I like to tell people that they should always give others the benefit of doubt that they will not act in cruel ways, however you should always know in the back of your mind the tendencies that people may have within them.


I hope you found this article interesting and I hope you are able to use this content in your daily life to maneuver different tasks and situations that you encounter. Remember that your black zodiac characteristics can be manifested into positive energy and can be used to do good, not only evil.

  • The black zodiac is a darker version of the Western Astrological Zodiac, representing the evil tendencies in humans based on their birth date
  • Each of the black zodiac signs is associated with a particular vice or negative trait
  • In this article, we will explore the meaning of the five black zodiac signs and their associated vices or negative traits

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Serpent: Envy

  • The serpent is the black zodiac sign for those born between March 21st and April 19th
  • The vice associated with the serpent is envy, or the desire to have what someone else has
  • Those with the serpent as their black zodiac sign may struggle with feelings of jealousy and resentment towards others

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Scorpion: Greed

  • The scorpion is the black zodiac sign for those born between April 20th and May 20th
  • The vice associated with the scorpion is greed, or an excessive desire for wealth or material possessions
  • Those with the scorpion as their black zodiac sign may struggle with an unhealthy focus on acquiring more and more possessions

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Tower: Pride

  • The tower is the black zodiac sign for those born between May 21st and June 20th
  • The vice associated with the tower is pride, or an excessive sense of self-importance or self-esteem
  • Those with the tower as their black zodiac sign may struggle with an inflated ego and a lack of humility

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Goat: Lust

  • The goat is the black zodiac sign for those born between June 21st and July 22nd
  • The vice associated with the goat is lust, or an intense desire for sexual gratification
  • Those with the goat as their black zodiac sign may struggle with unhealthy or excessive sexual desires

The Black Zodiac Sign of

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The Black Zodiac Sign of the Skeleton: Gluttony

  • The skeleton is the black zodiac sign for those born between July 23rd and August 22nd
  • The vice associated with the skeleton is gluttony, or an excessive desire for food and drink
  • Those with the skeleton as their black zodiac sign may struggle with an unhealthy obsession with food and an inability to control their eating habits

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Demon: Wrath

  • The demon is the black zodiac sign for those born between August 23rd and September 22nd
  • The vice associated with the demon is wrath, or extreme anger and resentment
  • Those with the demon as their black zodiac sign may struggle with uncontrolled outbursts of anger and a tendency towards aggression

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Dragon: Sloth

  • The dragon is the black zodiac sign for those born between September 23rd and October 22nd
  • The vice associated with the dragon is sloth, or laziness and an avoidance of work or effort
  • Those with the dragon as their black zodiac sign may struggle with a lack of motivation and a tendency towards procrastination

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Dog: Falsehood

  • The dog is the black zodiac sign for those born between October 23rd and November 21st
  • The vice associated with the dog is falsehood, or deceit and a tendency towards dishonesty
  • Those with the dog as their black zodiac sign may struggle with a lack of integrity and a tendency to lie or deceive others


  • The black zodiac is a darker version of the Western Astrological Zodiac, representing the negative traits and vices associated with each birth date
  • The five black zodiac signs are the serpent (envy), the scorpion (greed), the tower (pride), the goat (lust), and the skeleton (gluttony)
  • Each of these signs is associated with a particular vice or negative trait, and individuals with these signs as their black zodiac may struggle with these issues
  • It is important to remember that astrology is a personal belief system and that the interpretation of any zodiac sign, including the black zodiac, will depend on the individual’s own experiences and cultural background.

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