

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? 8 Signs You Really Missed

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? 8 Signs You Really Missed

How to Know Leo Woman Likes you?  A Leo woman is unmistakable. She will be larger than life. If you see her in a crowd, she is a queen holding court with many admirers. She is fun, lively and a real show off. A Leo man is confident and will project this persona to others. This doesn’t mean he is shallow, he may just be projecting his own personality on to her. She has the charisma of Venus, and has a way with words. She loves to tell the world what she is and what she does. She is fun, interesting and outgoing.

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? How to Make a Man Fall For You

A Leo man is straightforward and a little standoffish. He will be quite with you and direct you on the things he is feeling for you. He might be slow and guarded, but if you are patient he will reveal his true personality. His love is of the romantic kind, involving dancing and romantic gestures. He is adventurous, and not afraid to let you know how he feels. It is true that he is emotionally detached, and he will probably tell you so. However, he is a great admirer and true lover of his love, and this draws him closer to you. It also happens to be his real nature, so it is OK.

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? Secrets of Attraction

A Leo woman is strong, and in many ways she is the opposite of her husband. A Leo man is a gentle, and somewhat quiet man. He is more of a protector than a provider. As a result, a Leo woman is a little hard to impress, and not a lot of fun to be with. She is strong-willed and opinionated, but she doesn’t have a lot of patience and doesn’t take too kindly to abuse. He will like her, and they will become quite close, but it will take effort and a lot of loving to win her over. A Leo man needs to take the lead and need to do what he says and say what he means.


A Leo woman is fun and exciting. She is not afraid to tell the world what she likes, likes what she says and is opinionated. She will make the world a little safer and more fun for you.



How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? How to Make a Man Fall For You


Cancer men are not interested in anyone but a real grown-up woman. A woman who pays her bills on time and commands respect from her peers.


Class and sophistication in mannerisms and in appearance are good ways to signal your desirability to the Cancer. However, do not rely on mere outward beauty to make a man fall for you. You have to make a man feel as though you are his equal, not just someone he can put up with. You have to be interesting and fun to be with. And then he wants to be with you. You must be honest, you must respect his feelings, and you must show him that you know how to be a woman.How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? Do Not Do These Mistakes!

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? Read These Tips

Try these tricks to make a man fall for you.


Show him kindness.


Love isnt all about making him feel good. If you want him to love you, you have to show him that kindness. Sometimes men are caught up in the lust to commit, and if they havent actually been able to commit, they tend to doubt that he really loves you. Being kind and giving to him will show him that you really do care about him and that you are willing to try hard to make him feel good.


Do not be all or nothing.

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? Do Not Do These Mistakes!

If a man is not feeling love, he will begin to doubt that you really love him, but if you are feeling love, it will put out the fire. It will be easier for him to feel love for you if you are very loving. There is no better way to make a man fall for you than to let him know that you can be his friend as well.


Don’t do anything to ruin your chances of having him.

How To Know Leo Woman Likes You? Do Not Do These Mistakes!

This is the biggest mistake that women often make. Once a man begins to doubt that he will have you, he will begin to lose interest in you. If you start to doubt that he will love you, then it will be harder for him to commit. You need to hold off on any physical activities with him until you are sure that he will love you.



So, the rules of how to make a man fall for you are actually quite simple. If you want him to love you, you have to be a good friend. And to be a good friend you need to be kind, you need to respect him, and you need to show him that you are willing to do anything to make him happy.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: How To Fully Understand # 1 Meanings! Do Not Accept Your Fate Now

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: How To Fully Understand What This Means! Do Not Accept Your Fate Now

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card:  How To Fully Understand What This Means!  Do Not Accept Your Fate Now

The Death card shows the Messenger of Death a skeleton dressed in black armour, riding a white horse. The skeleton represents the part of the body which survives long after life has left it; the armour symbolises invincibility and that death will come no matter what. The white horse represents rebirth. This card is the very antithesis of the Stability card. The card which protects the family and which symbolises the stability of the society it represents, is the one which discourages movement and which rejects change. If the Death card was dealt to any family, they would not be able to sleep at night.


This may be a card of a young person who has made a terrible decision, committed a terrible crime or committed an atrocious act, or it may be a card of a middle-aged person who has been involved in a terrible accident or a tragic death. Either way, these cards contain much information. The Death card speaks of a terrible event in the future, the stability card of a past event.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card:  How To Fully Understand What This Means!  Do Not Accept Your Fate Now

To answer the Death card you need to address the fact of death, or address the future danger; then address the obstacles that block you from moving on.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: How To Fully Understand it

  1. The first address is to honour the dead. It may be a very difficult task for family members to be at the funeral, but if they can find some place where they can be accepted, it will make their journey easier.


  1. The second address is to forgive the perpetrator. Do not think that you can forgive the person who has caused the death but you can forgive yourself if you have been involved in the decision to cause death. If the deceased person was mentally unstable, the family may need to seek mental help. You can forgive yourself if you have been mistaken. It will make your journey easier.


  1. The third address is to forgive yourself. Remembering the wrongs you have committed can cause you to stumble, and if you are surrounded by family, they may need to forgive you for some things you have done. They need to forgive you, that is the strength of the human experience.


  1. The fourth address is to forgive yourself if you have been part of the incident.


  1. The fifth address is for those who do not want to forgive themselves. There may be a point in the family journey where they are able to say that they forgive themselves and to move on.


  1. The sixth address is for family members of people who had a traumatic experience, but whose life has not been affected by it. However, it is important to know that your life has been affected. If your family is more resistant to change, it may be because their grief is more complex than you think.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: Is This Change Welcomed?

‘To be alive’ is to be touched by death, but also to be alive. You are touched by death but not.


An experience of death is touching, whether you have caused it or not. What is important is the fact that you are touched.


It is important to be aware of the different ways in which your grief is going to be affected by death. It is essential that you know how your family’s is going to be affected by death.

If you don’t know what is going to affect your family, then you can’t know what your family’s needs are.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: Will Your Loved Ones Be Affected?

The way in which grief effects the ways of thinking, being and acting of your family can be like these six ways:


  1. The immediate impact of the death will affect how you see yourself. Your world will look very different, and you may look very different as well. Your self-views may be changed as a result of the death.


  1. Secondly, there may be an interruption in family routines. It may be that routines are suspended and there is a void. Your family may have some gaps in their life. Family members may behave very differently.


  1. Thirdly, there may be a change in how family members relate to each other. They might be more distant in the way they talk to each other and behave. They may be more withdrawn.


  1. Fourthly, there may be an interruption in family business. Family members may be withdrawn. They may have problems in relating to each other. Family members may not work as well together. Family members may be more introverted.


  1. Fifthly, there may be an interruption in family activities. Family members may be doing things on their own. Family members may be doing their own things. Family members may have trouble in socializing.


  1. Sixthly, family members may not talk to each other. The sense of being alone may be stronger.


These six ways of dealing with grief may be very disturbing to people who have never experienced grief before. Grief is more than just feeling sad. It is being withdrawn, feeling a loss of connection to the outside world, having problems with socializing, having problems with relationships with others. The first year after a death a person may be in a depressed state because of the mourning time.


Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: Can This Be Reversed?


People may stay indoors and just watch television or they may watch television while sitting at home alone. Some people withdraw from others. Grief talks are a way of coping with grief. Talking about the loss of a loved one allows the person who is grieving to express his emotions and in the process, it helps him get over the loss.


Grief can last for months, even years. Sometimes people die and may not show any signs of grief for a year. The death of a person can cause a change in the personality of a person. A person may be changed for the better but still may not express it.


The following is an excerpt from a web page that discusses the symptoms of grief and grief related problems in adults and adolescents:


“Grief is a natural response to a loss. When a loved one dies, it is natural for you to feel sadness, helplessness, even anger. A relationship may be terminated and you may feel relief. But as time passes, you should start to feel more detached. You should start to feel a loss of interest in the normal happenings of your life. Your attention should shift to something that you have been previously passionate about.


It will take some time, but it is perfectly normal and good for you to grieve. Eventually, you should feel a sense of detachment from the situation. You should feel detached from yourself and the people around you.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: Will This Pass?

‘Post mortem’ grief is a type of grieving that is triggered by a medical event such as a car accident or a natural disaster. This type of grief may take weeks, months, or years to surface.


‘Subjection’ grief is triggered by something that was really important to the person who died. This type of grief is triggered when a person thinks about the person who died, but can’t bring himself to perform the act of grieving.

‘Dispositional’ grief is triggered by a person’s attitudes and behavior toward the person who died. This kind of grief is triggered when a person thinks about the deceased, but can’t bring himself to say goodbye.


You should feel sadness, guilt and hopelessness about the death of a loved one, but this should subside as time passes. The best thing you can do if you feel grief related symptoms is to get help from a psychotherapist.

Death is probably the most recognizable card in the tarot. Its been a horror movie staple to include the Death card (and or the Devil card) in an ominous reading foreshadowing doom. People will play the whole reading for omens of impending death. Many people have been so enthralled with the Death card that they havent heard much about the other cards.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: Are The Spirits Talking To You?

I used to think that the Witch card was a bit of a stretch. Witchcraft was something that I never heard mentioned as being closely aligned with law of attraction principles. In fact, the other two cards felt too familiar. The last four cards were anything but.

My daughters husband passed away not long ago. During the reading, I was surprised to hear him say, “These last four cards are the worst.” It was really interesting to hear him make these comments. It was the Four of Wands that caught my attention.


Four of Wands is an ominous card for a woman because it means that her power is on the wane. Of course, men can use the Four of Wands card as well, but it is more often a statement about a woman.


I started reading about the Four of Wands in old texts, and found references to a Four of Wands card reading as a sign that the cards are against you.


There are a couple of different ways that people can use the Four of Wands cards. The card can represent a number of different things. The first is trouble, or problems. The card could also represent an impending disaster, illness, or danger. The card can represent an illness, or a crisis of some kind.


This is the reading that I like most. If you are having a situation come up that you cannot deal with, this card is meant to be used in an immediate sense. If you have already talked about it, you can then use it in an exorcism sense, as a summoning of something or someone to be rid of the problem.

Death Tarot Card Reversed Card: Pillars Of The Tarot Cards

The Four of Wands can also represent death, or the unknown. When you are sick, this is a card that can be used in many different ways. If you are sick, and it is not completely healing, it can be used to represent your life not going on as planned. You can use it to suggest going to see a health practitioner, or the doctor.


One of the most popular uses for the Four of Wands cards is as a way to stop people from prying into your affairs. If someone has an unwanted affair, or scandal, you can use the card to stop it from spreading. You can present the Four of Wands cards as the four corners, and say “I cannot allow this to happen.” As a warning, you can say “You cannot have this.” There are many different types of uses for this card, and you should discover as you play with these cards how you can use it effectively.

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Read This Now Or Die Lonely! 3 Steps You Need To Follow For Love In Your Life!

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Read This Now Or Die Lonely! 3 Steps You Need To Follow For Love In Your Life!


How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Read This Now Or Die Lonely! 3 Steps You Need To Follow For Love In Your Life!

A Leo man loves to be the life of the party and the center of attention. He usually has many admirers and fans.

The leo guy dreams of a girl who is actual to herself. He simply isn’t into the type of lady who wants to look or be like anyone else. He does love a beautiful woman which includes inner beauty in addition to sass. The leo guy himself is generally a person who helps humans because of this he always appreciates a lady who’s the same than a girl who’s selfish and self serving. Show him how much you adore him through tips in this article how to get a leo man to chase you?


For this reason, if you like a Leo man, you may feel like there is too much competition for you to have a chance or that it is impossible to get a Leo man to chase you. This is not true. Leo people have a very high value and are very sought after, especially if you are beautiful. The thing is, the competition for a Leo man is fierce. It is not impossible to catch their attention or get his attention.

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? How To Handle Him

First of all, don’t think of yourself as too good for a Leo man. There is no rule that states a Leo man must be jealous of you or chase you. It is just that his eyes are on another woman. A Leo man will actually find another woman more appealing and most likely will stop when he finds another woman more attractive.


> For example, a beautiful woman may be totally ignored by a man who is very attracted to another woman. However, if that woman happens to be rather beautiful herself, the man will suddenly start chasing after her.


It is not too difficult to attract a Leo man. It just takes the perfect combination of luck and some very vocal vocal tricks.

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Complement Him


On the other hand, if you are not a fan of the idea of attracting Leo men then you should not worry. There is no rule that says Leo men have to be attracted to you. It is just that his eyes are on another woman.


 Again, a Leo man will actually find another woman more appealing and most likely will stop when he finds another woman more attractive which is unfortunate.

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Read This Now Or Die Lonely! 3 Steps You Need To Follow For Love In Your Life!


If you are a fan of the idea of attracting Leo men then you probably already know that you must work on yourself to become more beautiful and more attractive. If Leo men happen to be the man that you want to be then the same advice applies. If a Leo man happens to be the man that you want to be then don’t be like the other Leo men. For example, don’t act jealous or like you are the “chosen one” when you meet another Leo man. Don’t be arrogant either, it will not help you at all. Simply be you.


How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Believe In Yourself


A tight dress that shows cleavage and legs would do well to get this Leo man’s mind going. Wear clothing that shows off your figure and when it comes to talking to him, be seductive. Make him lean in to listen. The closer he gets to you the more turned on he’ll become.


Don’t be afraid to show him your cleavage if he’ll be leaning in to you. You’re not really that turned on, are you? The key here is to ensure that he feels his masculinity being challenged and your femininity being complimented. Remember to be playful when talking to him. Don’t be too serious or too sappy.


Have you ever spoken to a guy about a girl? Chances are you were turned on by the conversation you had with him. By putting your attention on him, you’re making him think about you. You’re putting him under a lot of pressure to think about you too and if he responds positively to the pressure, there’s a good chance he’ll think about you too.

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Flirting Never Hurt Anyone


How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Read This Now Or Die Lonely! 3 Steps You Need To Follow For Love In Your Life!

Don’t be afraid to show him your cleavage either. It doesn’t have to be skimpy if you’re a slender woman, or even see if you can go for a sexy outfit like a hot pants and crop top. Men are very intrigued by a girl who always has a carefree attitude.


When it comes to dress, you don’t have to get stuck in to the traditional mode where you just stick to dark colours and tight clothes. You can find something for every taste here. The most important thing is to be daring, because that draws a lot of attention from men. Also, if you’re going for a sporty look, make sure you have a lot of variety.

How To Get A Leo Man To Chase You? Be Confident!


You don’t have to be afraid to be confident with your body language. If you’ve just met him, don’t worry about how you can communicate with him. Look at him and you’re not gonna give him an immediate reaction to your reaction. Follow what feels comfortable to you and that’s what you should do. Men can’t differentiate between happy and angry gestures, so be sure to tone it down if you’re not at your best.


So in conclusion, the key here is to be spontaneous and experiment a bit. It’s great if you can get him to notice you as soon as possible, but there’s no need to impress him. Keep it light and simple and you should be able to draw some positive attention from him.

The Black Zodiac: The Dark Side of the 12 Signs

The Black Zodiac Signs

What Are The Black Zodiac Signs? 

All of us have a side we would like to hide. We have all heard about the main-stream characteristics of different zodiac signs, but did you know there is a darker side to all of them which is also known as the black zodiac signs or the dark zodiac signs. The dark zodiac or the black zodiac is the darker equivalent to the Western Astrological Zodiac. The black zodiac represents evil tendencies in humans based on when they were born. 

The black zodiac is not well-known and is neglected by people. However, it is just as important to know. It is important to know your own black zodiac characteristics so that you can be more mindful about how you act and react to things, and it is equally important to be aware of the black zodiac characteristics of those around you that you interact with.


Have you ever wondered what the darker side of the zodiacs are? In this article, us at The Spirituality World will go through the less-known dark side of each zodiac and what they entail. Please keep in mind when reading through the zodiacs that these characteristics can be harnessed in a positive or negative way and that not everyone will use their characteristics in a negative way.

Now let’s get into each of the 12 black zodiac signs.

The Tyrant Aries (March 21-April 19)

The black zodiac of Aries shows they are impulsive and impatient people, especially when it comes down to making a decision. They don’t like to take too much time thinking about a decision carefully. They want to make a decision quickly and move on to the next task. They will do what they want to do regardless if you like it or not.

They can also act quite immaturely as part of their black zodiac. They are never satisfied with anything and they always want more out of people. They won’t stop at anything in order to satisfy their needs. They know what they want and how they want it, and will not stop until it is achieved.

Black Zodiac - The Tyrant Aries

The Fallen Demon Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus’ only remember the bad times and these bad memories haunt them every day. Their black zodiac shows they don’t pay attention to any of the positive things that happen to them in their life and hold strong grudges for life. They are not very optimistic that good things may happen to them.

Furthermore, if you do something wrong to a Taurus, they will never let it go and will never treat you the same. They hold grudges for life and will expect you to continue doing them wrong.

Taurus’ are also materialistic and possessive and are not good with sharing. What’s theirs is theirs, and what’s yours is also theirs. They are self-centred and only care about themselves.

Dark Zodiac - The Fallen Demon Taurus

The Basilisk Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini’s can be very dangerous and have multiple personalities. One second they will act like everything is normal, and the next second they will act like another person. They try to put on an act and not show their bad side but situations always reveal their other personalities that are hiding beneath the exterior of the black zodiac.


People who are close to Gemini’s know their true self and tendencies and have fear of them. You will never know which of their personalities you will encounter on any given day, and the switch can be flipped very easily (and usually for no reason) from one personality to the other. Those who aren’t close to Gemini’s will eventually come across their other side that the black zodiac entails and will find out the hard way. 

The Basilisk Gemini

The Serpent Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer’s know how to get people to trust them, and following this they will exploit them. They are known for their wisdom and deceit under the black zodiac – they are manipulative in an outstanding way. Be careful around cancers.  They know how to get close to people and will then figure out ways to use them to their advantage. They are quite cunning and smart.

The Serpent Cancer

Dark Zodiac – The Serpent Cancer

The War Maiden Leo (July 31-August 22)

Leo’s are a paradox in the black zodiac. They focus on positive things but always expect the worst to happen. They anticipate for hardships and they create problems for themselves if they feel ignored since they crave attention. They do not expect good things to happen to them and those around them. They are always on guard for the most terrible outcome possible which is truly unfortunate.

The War Maiden Leo

Dark Zodiac – The War Maiden Leo

The Maelstrom Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo’s black zodiac characterizes them as dangerous, judgmental and harsh. They are jealous people and may harm you if you come in the way of them getting something they want. They are focused on getting what they want, when they want it, and you better steer clear of their path. 

Virgos are also extremely dramatic people and make situations more difficult and complex than they need to be. They attract drama and nothing can ever go simple if it involves them. They will make a simple occurrence into a dramatic situation. It’s true what they say that life is mostly based on how you react to things instead of what happens to you in life. You will notice that they will always have a dramatic story to tell you. Drama follows them in everything they do and they live for it. 

Dark Zodiac - The Maelstrom Virgo

Dark Zodiac – The Maelstrom Virgo

The Ravenous Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra’s are always hungry for things and are always looking to explore new things which isn’t always a good thing. The black zodiac reveals they are selfish beings and will use people to get what they want, how they want it. They are never satisfied with what they have and always think the grass is greener on the other side. Libra’s are not always the most loyal and trustworthy. They will use you until they find someone else or something else that will serve them better.

The Ravenous Libra

Dark Zodiac – The Ravenous Libra

The Poisoned Dart Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio’s are manipulative individuals and are always waiting for the perfect time to strike. They are good listeners, but they will only listen carefully so that they can use things you say against you which the black zodiac reveals. Scorpio’s also overreact and have a bad temper. A simple disagreement will always result in a full-blown and heated argument. There is no point in arguing with a Scorpio since they will not listen to a word you’re saying. A word of caution is that it is always best to wait a Scorpio calms down before speaking to them if you want to have a logical conversation with them.


The Poisoned Dart Scorpio

Dark Zodiac – The Poisoned Dart Scorpio

The Tempest Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius’ are carefree and don’t care about anything that gets in their way. They don’t regard anyone or anything as more important than them getting what they want. They don’t think before speaking and are impulsive with their words which results in those close to them feeling hurt quite often. Therefore they are seen as rude, aggressive, offensive, and obnoxious under the black zodiac.

The Tempest Sagittarius

Dark Zodiac – The Tempest Sagittarius

The Leviathan Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn’s are difficult to understand and are very mysterious beings. You will never know what a Capricorn is truly thinking or feeling. They are also lovers of gossip and are always talking negatively about others. They betray those closest to them and aren’t good with friendships. Be careful what you tell a Capricorn and make sure you don’t tell them anything that you prefer not to spread to 10 people by tomorrow.  The black zodiac shows that they are not very trustworthy or loyal.


The Leviathan Capricorn

Dark Zodiac – The Leviathan Capricorn

The Beast Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius’ are a very evil black zodiac sign and will never let someone get ahead of them. They think they are more worthy than anyone else. They are the Master of Demons. They are emotionless and try to hurt their opponents. They are also quick to judge and love to offer advice when it isn’t warranted.

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The Beast Aquarius

Dark Zodiac – The Beast Aquarius

The Sword Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces’ are selfish and self-centred in the black zodiac and try to gain profit from everything possible. They pull others down who are around them and are designed to hurt others. You have to be mentally strong if you want to be friends with a Pisces because they will try to knock you down again and again.

The Sword Pisces

Dark Zodiac – The Sword Pisces

What Are The Most Important Aspects In A Relationship By Sign?

The Black Tux states that fire signs (which are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and water signs (which are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) value communication as the most important aspect in a relationship. On the other hand, earth signs (which are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and air signs (which are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) regard trust as the most important part of a relationship.

Water signs and earth signs make the best match, and so do fire and air signs. This could create problems since they have different priorities in a relationship. However, communication and trust do go hand and hand.


Furthermore, physical attraction is most important to Leo and Taurus, and respect is most important to the rest of the black zodiacs.

What Should You Do Now That You Know The Black Zodiac?

As The Law Of Attraction states:  “Not all of these darker traits may apply to you. However, you might find some of them resonate with you. While these show the dark side of each zodiac, try to also see the positive. In this way, if you do relate to any of the following, it may be beneficial to focus on improving that area of your life.”

In other words, you can use this knowledge of the black zodiac to your advantage. All of these evil tendencies can be turned into positives if you are fully aware of the black zodiac and how it works. You can learn how to harness each of the black zodiac’s energy properly. This proves true for your own black zodiac, as well as the black zodiac characteristics of those around you. You are now ahead of the curve since not many people are even aware that the black zodiac exists.

Go In Peace!

A word of caution is that you should not tell those close to you about their black zodiac characteristics. It can be very hardening to hear these things, and the characteristics are not always the case of everyone. Each individual can use the black zodiac tendencies in a positive or negative way. I like to tell people that they should always give others the benefit of doubt that they will not act in cruel ways, however you should always know in the back of your mind the tendencies that people may have within them.


I hope you found this article interesting and I hope you are able to use this content in your daily life to maneuver different tasks and situations that you encounter. Remember that your black zodiac characteristics can be manifested into positive energy and can be used to do good, not only evil.

  • The black zodiac is a darker version of the Western Astrological Zodiac, representing the evil tendencies in humans based on their birth date
  • Each of the black zodiac signs is associated with a particular vice or negative trait
  • In this article, we will explore the meaning of the five black zodiac signs and their associated vices or negative traits

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Serpent: Envy

  • The serpent is the black zodiac sign for those born between March 21st and April 19th
  • The vice associated with the serpent is envy, or the desire to have what someone else has
  • Those with the serpent as their black zodiac sign may struggle with feelings of jealousy and resentment towards others

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Scorpion: Greed

  • The scorpion is the black zodiac sign for those born between April 20th and May 20th
  • The vice associated with the scorpion is greed, or an excessive desire for wealth or material possessions
  • Those with the scorpion as their black zodiac sign may struggle with an unhealthy focus on acquiring more and more possessions

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Tower: Pride

  • The tower is the black zodiac sign for those born between May 21st and June 20th
  • The vice associated with the tower is pride, or an excessive sense of self-importance or self-esteem
  • Those with the tower as their black zodiac sign may struggle with an inflated ego and a lack of humility

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Goat: Lust

  • The goat is the black zodiac sign for those born between June 21st and July 22nd
  • The vice associated with the goat is lust, or an intense desire for sexual gratification
  • Those with the goat as their black zodiac sign may struggle with unhealthy or excessive sexual desires

The Black Zodiac Sign of

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The Black Zodiac Sign of the Skeleton: Gluttony

  • The skeleton is the black zodiac sign for those born between July 23rd and August 22nd
  • The vice associated with the skeleton is gluttony, or an excessive desire for food and drink
  • Those with the skeleton as their black zodiac sign may struggle with an unhealthy obsession with food and an inability to control their eating habits

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Demon: Wrath

  • The demon is the black zodiac sign for those born between August 23rd and September 22nd
  • The vice associated with the demon is wrath, or extreme anger and resentment
  • Those with the demon as their black zodiac sign may struggle with uncontrolled outbursts of anger and a tendency towards aggression

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Dragon: Sloth

  • The dragon is the black zodiac sign for those born between September 23rd and October 22nd
  • The vice associated with the dragon is sloth, or laziness and an avoidance of work or effort
  • Those with the dragon as their black zodiac sign may struggle with a lack of motivation and a tendency towards procrastination

The Black Zodiac Sign of the Dog: Falsehood

  • The dog is the black zodiac sign for those born between October 23rd and November 21st
  • The vice associated with the dog is falsehood, or deceit and a tendency towards dishonesty
  • Those with the dog as their black zodiac sign may struggle with a lack of integrity and a tendency to lie or deceive others


  • The black zodiac is a darker version of the Western Astrological Zodiac, representing the negative traits and vices associated with each birth date
  • The five black zodiac signs are the serpent (envy), the scorpion (greed), the tower (pride), the goat (lust), and the skeleton (gluttony)
  • Each of these signs is associated with a particular vice or negative trait, and individuals with these signs as their black zodiac may struggle with these issues
  • It is important to remember that astrology is a personal belief system and that the interpretation of any zodiac sign, including the black zodiac, will depend on the individual’s own experiences and cultural background.

And If You Need Help, There Is The 7 Day Prayer Miracle

The 7 Day Prayer Miracle is a resource that teaches you step by step how to pray the most effectively to ensure that God answers your prayers. Many people don’t know the correct way to pray in order to get what they need. Proper prayer can help you achieve anything you want in the world – even the wildest dreams you may have had.

This is a comprehensive guide that combines the law of attraction with religious faith. When used in conjunction with the knowledge you have on the black zodiac, the world can be in your hands. The program helps you block out negative thoughts and keep you in a state of mind where you feel positive and blessed. By acting in this manner, you will continue to attract positive energy in all that you do in life.

This program is so powerful and has helped me personally to become successful in all that I do. It has helped me to pray in an effective manner in order to support my goals that I would like to achieve.

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41414 Numerology: Is Seeing This Number Good Luck or Evil? Read This Now To Manifest Success Forever!

41414 Numerology: Is Seeing This Number Good Luck or Evil? Read This Now To Manifest Success Forever!

The true backing of 41414 numerology is about an uprising of honesty and integrity.

This Number holds true to many people in a time were you want to give back.

The sign is something divine brought to you by your subconsciousness in a form of communication.

Read more at: https://trustedpsychicmediums.com/angel-numbers/angel-number-414-meaning/

41414 Numerology: Is Seeing This Number Good Luck or Evil? Read This Now To Manifest Success Forever!

You will know instinctively whether seeing the number 4141 a few times is just coincidence, or a spiritual message in numerology.


If you have seen the number before, then the number will eventually be a part of you. Numbers that appear frequently in your life are usually good. The same is true if you have seen the number rarely. The frequency of a number in your life is a good indicator of its value.

41414 Numerology:  Spiritual Guide

When you see a number, ask yourself: Is this number a part of my life design?

Life can provide you with a full vast of successes and rices in the world.  If you look at this and say was it a way I can be proud of and did I get rich ethically your spirit will search for more ethical ways to impact society.

Life gives you what you can handle so do not take a route that is quick but one you can be proud of.

41414 Numerology: Is Seeing This Number Good Luck or Evil? Read This Now To Manifest Success Forever!

41414 Numerology:  Are Numbers Good For Your Health?



Some numbers are like magnets that attract people and things to them. They are like the Bermuda Triangle that draws ships to the area. When you see the number 41414, ask yourself: Is this number a part of my life design? If you are in business or in the process of doing something that includes the number 41414, then it’s a good number to be aware of.

Spiritual law are laws in which hold truth and are ethical well beings.  You need to do good and follow the golden rule to stay true to yourself and bring a vibration to the highest level to attract a possessiveness.

The number 41414 is a spiritual number. It points to your destiny. It’s a number that says: I’m in the process of being created. When you see the number 41414 it’s a good time to pay attention to what you’re doing.


The true backing of 41414 numerology is about an uprising of honesty and integrity. This Number holds true to many people in a time were you want to give back. The sign is something divine brought to you by your subconsciousness in a form of communication.


  • Numerology is the belief that numbers have a special spiritual significance and can influence a person’s life
  • The number 41414 holds special significance in numerology and is believed to be a sign of honesty and integrity
  • This number is often seen as a message from the subconscious or a divine source

The Meaning of 41414 in Numerology

  • The number 4 is often associated with hard work, stability, and practicality
  • It is also connected to the element of earth, which represents physical manifestation and grounding
  • The number 1 is associated with new beginnings, leadership, and independence
  • When combined, the numbers 41414 can be interpreted as a message of honesty, integrity, and the need to focus on practical matters in order to achieve success and stability

The Spiritual Significance of 41414

  • Some people believe that seeing the number 41414 is a sign of good luck and a message from the universe to focus on honesty and integrity in order to manifest success
  • Others see this number as a warning or a sign of evil, depending on their personal beliefs and experiences
  • It is important to remember that numerology is a personal belief system and the interpretation of any number, including 41414, will depend on the individual’s own experiences and cultural background

Using 41414 to Manifest Success

  • If you believe that seeing the number 41414 is a sign of good luck and a message to focus on honesty and integrity, you can use this as an opportunity to set intentions and take action towards manifesting success
  • This could involve setting goals and taking practical steps towards achieving them, while also being mindful of your own honesty and integrity in all of your actions
  • It could also involve focusing on personal growth and self-improvement in order to align with your highest potential
  • Remember that manifestation is a process and it is important to be patient and persistent in your efforts


  • The true meaning of 41414 numerology is about an uprising of honesty and integrity and a focus on practical matters in order to achieve success
  • Whether or not seeing this number is considered good luck or evil will depend on the individual’s personal beliefs and experiences
  • If you believe that 41414 is a sign of good luck and a message to focus on honesty and integrity, use this as an opportunity to set intentions and take action towards manifesting success in your life. Remember to be patient and persistent in your efforts and to focus on personal growth and self-improvement.

41414 Numerology:  Angel Number Meaning

41414 numerology is tricky to understand the whole meaning but given what these numbers mean and similar numbers we can try our best to decode them.  A important part of understanding these numbers is from what is going on in our lives.

Number 41380 is a spiritual number. It points to your purpose. It’s a number that says: I’m in the process of fulfilling my purpose. When you see the number 41380 it’s a good time to focus on your purpose.


Number 41380 points to your passion. It’s a spiritual number. It’s a number that says: I’m in the process of fulfilling my passion. When you see the number 41380 it’s a good time to give yourself the permission to fulfill your passion.

41414 Numerology:  Can We Believe The Numbers?

Number 41380 points to your joy. It’s a spiritual number. It’s a number that says: I’m in the process of being created for joy. When you see the number 41380 it’s a good time to give yourself the permission to be joyful.



Number 41380 points to your fulfillment. It’s a spiritual number. It’s a number that says: I’m in the process of being created for fulfillment. When you see the number 41380 it’s a good time to give yourself the permission to be fulfilled.

41414 Numerology:  Love Correlation With These Angel Numbers?

Number 41380 points to your prosperity. It’s a spiritual number. It’s a number that says: I’m in the process of being created for prosperity. When you see the number 41380 it’s a good time to give yourself the permission to be prosperous.

This article just touched upon a vast topic of 41414 numerology and how difficult it can be to decode the meaning.  We do know that these messages are signs sent to us through divine ways subconscious or not in order to get us on the right track.  It is possible we can be going through something which has led us in the wrong direction.  We do not know for certain and it is difficult to decode.

I would like to end off the article with some positive reinforcement.  Warren Buffet said if you are in your 60’s or 70’s and you are loved by many people that knows you lived a successful life.  People have hospitals, libraries, airports, etc named after them but are loved by very few.


Translating the Meaning of 555 in Numerology As per Doreen Ethicalness
Distributed Walk 1, 2023 | By thespiritualityworld
Translating the Meaning of 555 in Numerology As per Doreen Ethicalness

Presentation: Numerology is an old practice that allocates mathematical qualities to letters, words, and names to uncover profound implications and experiences. One of the most widely recognized angel numbers that individuals experience in numerology is 555. In this report, we will investigate the meaning of 555 in numerology as per Doreen Righteousness, a notable spiritual educator and creator.

Area 1: Understanding Angel Numbers

Prior to diving into the meaning of 555, it’s vital to comprehend what angel numbers are. Angel numbers are successions of numbers that are accepted to convey spiritual importance and are often deciphered as messages from angels, soul guides, or the universe. These numbers can show up in different structures, for example, on a clock, tag, or telephone number, and are said to give direction, consolation, and backing.

Segment 2: The Imagery of the Number 5

To comprehend the meaning of 555, we should initially investigate the imagery of the number 5. In numerology, the number 5 addresses change, opportunity, adaptability, experience, and progress. It is related with the five faculties and the actual body, as well as the planet Mercury, which oversees correspondence and scholarly pursuits.

Area 3: The Triple Impact of 555

The presence of the number 555 in angel number arrangements enhances the impact of the number 5 triple. This implies that the message passed by 555 is profoundly huge and focuses on to significant changes and advances in one’s day to day existence. The triple impact of 555 can likewise demonstrate a spiritual arousing, expanded instinct, and elevated mindfulness.

Segment 4: The Meaning of 555 in Doreen Temperance’s Numerology

As indicated by Doreen Temperance’s numerology, the presence of 555 is an indication that significant changes are not too far off. These progressions might be connected with vocation, connections, or self-awareness, and are probably going to be positive and valuable over the long haul. 555 is likewise connected with the idea of “divine timing,” demonstrating that these progressions are lined up with the universe’s arrangement for our lives.

Segment 5: Confiding During the time spent Change

While change can be overwhelming and agitating, the presence of 555 reminds us to trust the interaction and have confidence that everything is unfurling as it ought to. The universe is directing us towards our most noteworthy great, and we should be open and responsive to the potential open doors and favors that come our direction.

Segment 6: Embracing Opportunity and Experience

The number 5 is related with opportunity and experience, and the presence of 555 urges us to embrace these characteristics in our lives. It could be an ideal opportunity to go out on a limb, seek after our interests, or step beyond our usual ranges of familiarity. 555 advises us that life is an excursion, and we should take in the scenery.

Segment 7: Remaining Positive and Hopeful

The progressions related with 555 may bring difficulties and snags, yet keeping a positive and hopeful attitude is significant. Believing the universe and having confidence in the excursion can assist us with beating any challenges that emerge.

Area 8: Respecting our Instinct

The triple impact of 555 can likewise demonstrate an expansion in instinct and spiritual mindfulness. This is a chance to pay attention to our internal direction and pay attention to our gut feelings. Focus on synchronicities, signs, and images that might show up in our regular routines, as they might hold significant messages and experiences.

Segment 9: Living in Arrangement with our Higher Reason
The Spiritual Meaning of 555
The number 555 is related with spiritual development and extension.
It demonstrates that significant changes are coming in your life, and you want to embrace them.
It connotes that you are on the correct way towards your spiritual process.
The Imagery of 555 in Adoration and Connections
With regards to cherish and connections, the number 555 shows that a tremendous change is going to happen.
This could spell almost certain doom for a relationship, the beginning of another one, or a significant change in the elements of a current relationship.
It is crucial for trust all the while and permit the progressions to occur.
The Functional Meaning of 555
In functional terms, the number 555 might be an indication that you want to make a move towards your objectives and desires.
It very well may be a suggestion to get out of your usual range of familiarity and take a stab at a new thing.
It means that you are prepared to take on new difficulties and open doors.
All in all, the number 555 is a strong and critical number in numerology, addressing significant changes, development, and extension. It is a suggestion to believe the interaction, make a move, and embrace new open doors that come your direction. Whether it is connected with your vocation, connections, or spiritual excursion, the number 555 signs that you are on the correct way towards a more splendid and seriously satisfying future.
Q: Consider the possibility that I continue to see the number 555 over and again. A: Over and over seeing the number 555 is an obvious sign that huge changes are coming your direction. Embrace these progressions and trust the interaction, as they are fundamental for your self-awareness and extension.

Q: Can the meaning of 555 be negative? A: No, the meaning of 555 isn’t intrinsically negative. While the progressions it addresses might be testing or awkward, they are eventually for your most elevated great and self-awareness.

Q: Can the meaning of 555 shift for various individuals? A: Indeed, the meaning of 555 can shift contingent upon the singular’s conditions and individual convictions. It is crucial for focus on your instinct and internal direction when deciphering the meaning of this number for yourself.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

This is one article I am very excited to research and write.  We commonly do not know a great deal about aboriginal spirituality.  I remember maybe in 3rd grade we did a curriculum on aboriginal spirituality and their beliefs.  You can imagine I have most likely not retained much or remember all that much. 


Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

I also find it important to be studying and researching this project because I sincerely believe that aboriginals were one of the first to discover  the importance of an emotional healthy mind.

Just so we understand what we will discuss and the key focus around the article it is important we break down the meanings of aboriginal and spirituality.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 
Aboriginal means the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region.  Another meaning is the word related to a meaning of the people who have been in the region from the earliest known time. 

As simple as this meaning is it is remarkable to think that Aboriginals have been a pioneer to spirituality right from the get go.

Spirituality ultimately means your connection or your tuned into an idea of something beyond you.  There are no tangible objects however it is in your soul.  Your spirituality will allow you to recognize that there is something more to the universe not recognized by the senses.  

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Aboriginal Spirituality: What Is Aboriginal Spirituality?

Part of listening, learning and living in respectful relationship with one another involves seeking to understand Indigenous spirituality, which is fundamental to many Indigenous people’s identity and worldview.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Someone with extensive knowledge of this topic is Indigenous Elder, Graham Paulson. Graham is the first ordained Indigenous Baptist pastor in Australia, and now has over 50 years of experience living and working in remote, rural and urban contexts.

Drawing on his experience and his deep knowledge of Indigenous Australian cultures, Graham Paulson explains several core aspects of Indigenous spirituality.

Aboriginal Spirituality is a complex category.  This is not easy to learn because there culture has been “ off the Grid” and ultimately unknown to society.  However through listening and learning the relationships Aboriginal Spirituality depicts we can learn a lot.

The fundamental basis of Aboriginals to the many indigenous people involves a greater understanding of spirituality. 

We are analyzing Graham Paulson’s work who has over 50 years of experience in working with Aboriginal Spiritualist.  Graham Paulson has a complex understanding on many aspects to the indigenous spirituality and the core beliefs.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 
His experiences have a first look at working remote in rural and urban contexts and he has taught us a lot about the following:

1. Aboriginal spiritualist is animistic
2. Aboriginal spiritualist is a cosmogony
3. Aboriginal spirituality is earthly
4. Aboriginal spirituality is totemic
5. Aboriginal spirituality is oral
6. Aboriginal spirituality is hierarchical

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Aboriginal Spirituality:  What Do They Believe In?


Aboriginal spirituality is the common conectedness to nature and the world around us.  There beliefs take place in the feeling of connection with all things around them: Trees, Grass, Plants, Animals, All living things.

Aboriginal Spirituality: Read This Now To Discover Top 3 Never Seen Before Facts 

Aboriginal Spirituality has some laws in which show how they prioritize the importance of there people and nature.  Some laws state that they are responsible for each other.  It strongly shows the connectedness with each other and further explains the connection they have to the community and others.

Aboriginal Spirituality is a law above others.  They do not only respect the items they can see or material world objects.  They protect the sacred world of energy.  The world that cannot be seen with your eyes but rather felt with your heart.  Aboriginal Spirituality focuses on all aspects and creates positive vibes!

Aboriginal Spirituality understands that there is a strong interconnection between plants, animals, land, water they understand this strong relationship and therefore it is sacred to protect and hold dear to themselves. 

Aboriginal Spirituality: How is Aboriginal Spirituality linked to the land?

Through this article it is very evident that Aboriginal people have a strong sense of connectedness to the land which furthermore highlights there spiritual being.

This connection is still holding strong for people of newer generations because they describe the land as comforting, detrimental to there health and culture and identity.

The Land and there interconnectedness is almost one of a priceless currency.  The land of there upbringing is sacred and there is much honor in it.  The way of life stems through the providing of fertile food and energy which land provides.

They look as land to be there food, there healer, there leisure, and well being.


Aboriginal spirituality and the sacredness of the land is expressed in Dreamtime.  A term more commonly known as story time in the western world.  Through this time many lessons are taught such as how to care for the land.  Lessons such as sharing all things provided by the land is the centre of focus.

Dreamtime also focuses on the significance of the land and the creatures it also cares for.


The Below picture shows the importance of land and how there is a extreme connection thorough land and Aboriginal spirituality.  



Aboriginal Spirituality: What do you need to know about Aboriginal culture?

Aboriginal culture is a broad topic as we can understand there are many aboriginals though the meaning provided in the beginning of the article.  The vast cultures all over the world still have similar beliefs and celebrate common successes. 

Due to the vast range of diverse groups we still see commonalities through aboriginals and there culture and aboriginal spirituality.  The importance and respect for the energy that not many humans can see.

Aboriginal spirituality and aboriginal culture takes the overlooked things and makes them eccentric in there beliefs.  We often overlook energy and positivity but they strive to obtain energy though the world around them and earths gifts.

“In this world, the invisible and the visible pulse with the same life and the sacred is not separated from the secular, they are interconnected and interactive. But also in this world, the unseen spiritual forces are stronger and hold sway over all nature.“

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: 10 Things You Did Not Know!

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: 8 Things You Did Not Know!

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality these three words sound like a tongue twister and words that do not even make complete sense together.  In this article we will go through exactly what Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is.  Ultimately before we continue this is a religion or some form of cult or following.  Lead by a gentleman named Pete Scazzero .  We will uncover if Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is anything what it says it is or is it just a scam and another person trying to push there book and there following.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: 8 Things You Did Not Know!

We will get testimonials postive and negative on peoples opinion on this “cult”:Emotionally Healthy Spirituality.  Furthermore we will uncover if emotionally healthy spirituality and its offerings can get us on a fast track of a spiritual awakening which will further add to our article: Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life.


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Who Are The Participants In The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course?


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: What Is Emotionally Healthy Discipleship?

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality claims to provide a a strengthened bond through Christianity and the church.  Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is targeted to religious leaders so they can deliver sermons with more power.  It focuses on the connection of people spiritually and encourage them to serve the way Jesus did.  Hence they want to become a true disciple of the faith.  From a quick search Pete Scazzero the co founder of emotionally healthy discipleship promoted a course.  On the Website it is clear they speak a lot about their journey and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: 8 Things You Did Not Know!


The course is heavily promoted and you may wonder why they aim to cure you.


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Do You Need To Donate Money?

Through the research of this article we analyzed many videos articles and different websites.  Many times you would think you need to donate money especially for religious aspects.  Donate is a word that is ever so common in out society,  We buy food for our families we are asked to donate.  Almost every major cooperation has backed donations for genuine or marketing ways.  I am impressed with Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and the fact that I did not see any pages of donations!


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: 8 Things You Did Not Know!

This is very rare in todays society and with this being said you can really feel the genuiness of the program and vision.



Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: What Are The Positive and Negative Testimonials?

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality has many different testimonials over ten in depth videos on there website.  We feel these are bias due to the nature of were they are being promoted however the message in the stories can be sincere.  It is important to take this with a gain of salt as the website would only post testimonials in which are in there best interest.  after carefully examining the videos we found that maybe there was some truth to this.

These videos were of people with difficult lives.  People who were always angry.  People that were violent.  People that struggled and hurt themselves.  after watching these videos we came to the understanding that if these people were helped through the course than it can indeed be positive.  We also need to understand that there are many courses and many beliefs out there and humans are always looking for the best shortcut.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Seems to be gaining some traction as they have many courses and they promote people to also teach there course.  With this type of growth anyone who signs up can teach the course (but must undergo the training).  There following can multiply quickly around the world.


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Is The Course Worth Your Time?

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and Emotionally Healthy Relationships are the two courses offered.  Emotionally healthy Spirituality is a course solely focused on loving god and different techniques on how you can achieve this goal.  Emotionally Healthy Relationships is a course dedicated to loving other’s.  We need both in order to succeed these courses are both courses.

Not a few lessons they are meant to be run in large settings.  They preach the interchangeable links between loving yourself and loving others.


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Are The Foundations Based on Spirituality?

The way Pete S the co founder started was due to the effectiveness of Christianity.  He exclaims that one of his followers told him I have been a first year Christian for 23 years not 23 years of Christianity.  He seen many people were good religious people on the outside but did not go to further steps to ensure they followed and preached as disciples of god.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: 8 Things You Did Not Know!

The Leader because discouraged as he seen people were not taking there faith to the next level they did not live the way god did not want them to lead.  Pete Scazzero went on to try to engage his people.  Try for his followers to change fully even though he did everything such as bible and extra studies.

Pete Scazzero also felt insecure so did not feel right teaching as he did not grow up in his faith.  One of the bases of his course is a stable emotional health,  They recognized they needed to be solidly healthy in order to take the next steps.
We see this often even in our spiritual awakening if we are not healthy and cleanse out body from all unhealthy toxins spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  


Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Is This Fraud?

As You seen above Pete Scazzero the co founders story is quite similar to everyone who struggled.  He was in a dark place, unhappy, was not effective in his job and needed to fix himself and his marriage.  At this time Pete Scazzero claimed he found god and fixed himself.  Through his re birth of his life he was able to be more effective in his teachings.

Pete Scazzero discovered what he needed to do to gain momentum and encourage people to become great followers of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality church.  He developed workbooks along with the help of his wife.  And training’s online in-order to preach more effective.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: What is Emotionally Healthy Spirituality?

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is basically a premise founded by a man who was a struggling pastor.  He developed effective ways to preach Jesus and his message.  As you Browse and look on the website you will see many different materials that will help you to preach effectively.

At first your mind is thinking the worst on how this can be an evil cult that allows you to donate your hard earned money but from our research this is a genuine course backed by a genuine teacher.  There beliefs are pure and can be transferred for anyone religious or not.  There goal is to have us be rid of all negative thoughts and go give ourselves a solid foundation of love through strong emotional health.

We also found this site to be worth a read with many helpful tips for anyone searching for more mental and emotional clarity.



10 Spirituality Leaders That Have Positively Changed The World

Spirituality Leaders

There have been so many spirituality leaders who have brought us to here we are today.  Spirituality plays such a large part of many lives and there have been countless spirituality leaders to have contributed to what we know about the topic and its benefits. Throughout this article, we at thespiritualityworld.com will touch on the 10 most influential spirituality leaders and what they have brought to the table.

These spirituality leaders are not only authors of popular best-selling spiritual books, but they have also impacted the world and have made spirituality and improved self so easy accessible and easy to apply. If you are looking for some inspiration, these spirituality leaders’ books are definitely a good place to start on your journey.

Now without further ado let’s delve into ten top spirituality leaders, their teachings and their books that are recommended.

Spirituality Leaders

Spirituality Leaders: Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is one of the most well-known spirituality leaders. He is an author of the popular book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”. This book focuses on guidelines to follow to become a better human being. He dedicates his life to educating others about mind and body spiritual healing.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are:

  1. The Law of Pure Potentiality: Take time to sit in silence and be. You should meditate for 30 minutes two times a day. Do not judge anyone or anything. Appreciate the intelligence in everything.
  2. The Law of Giving: Bring everyone you encounter today a compliment, gift or flower. Always give and receive gratefully. Always give and receive care, affection, appreciation and love.
  3. The Law of Karma: All actions we take will be generated back to us in the same form of energy. Choose actions that are positive and that bring happiness and success to ensure that it is brought back to you.
  4. The Law of Least Effort: Accept people, situations, and events that happen. Take responsibility for your current situation and don’t focus on defending your point of view.
  5. The Law of Intention and Desire: Make a list of your desires – within you is the mechanics to achieve them. If they don’t occur, there is a reason. Everything happens for a reason.
  6. The Law of Detachment: Allow yourself and others to be as they are. Don’t try to change people and don’t force solutions. Allow solutions to emerge on their own. Uncertainty is important and essential – it is your path to freedom.
  7. The Law of Dharma: Manifestation in physical form will fulfill your purpose.

Spirituality Leaders: Deepak Chopra

Spirituality Leaders: The Dalai Lama

Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai Lama. It is believed that he is the reincarnation of the Buddha of compassion as well as those that held the Dalai Lama title before him. The Dalai Lama spends his life travelling the world and spreading the Buddhist beliefs relating to love, peace and understanding.

Spirituality Leaders: Dalai Lama

Spirituality Leaders: Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is the author of the popular book “The Alchemist” as well as many other spiritual books. He has sold over 150 million books across 150 countries. His teachings are so widespread and well-known and is truly an influential spirituality leader. His success is related to the fact that his writing is so easy to understand by the general population and is easily transferrable to daily life.

Spirituality Leaders: Paulo Coelho

Spirituality Leaders: Pope Francis

Pope Francis has successfully tripled the attendance of events in Vatican City within one year. He is the 226th Pope and is completely changing the image of the Catholic Church. He used to be a Nightclub bouncer which isn’t well-known but is an interesting tidbit of information. He is no doubt influential as a spirituality leader whether or not you follow Christianity.

Spirituality Leaders: Pope Francis

Spirituality Leaders: Thich Nhat Han

This Vietnamese Buddhist spirituality leader successfully reconciled North and South Vietnam through countless hours of his relentless work. It was an insane feat that he accomplished. He is still touring the world, leading spiritual retreats on mindful living and is the author of many books.

Spirituality Leaders: Thich Nhat Han

Spirituality Leaders: Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is the author of two best-selling spiritual books: The Power of Now, and A New Earth. He is dedicated to transforming human consciousness in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply way. His spiritual messages are so strong and influential that he is no doubt a top spirituality leader.

Spirituality Leaders: Eckhart Tolle

Spirituality Leaders: James Redfield

James Redfield is the author of The Celestine Prophecy. He is a spirituality leader who helped pave the way for new generation soul searchers. James unveils nine simple insights in his book that the reader can travel through and will be able to relate to their own life through the path of spiritual awakening.

Spirituality Leader: James Redfield

Spirituality Leaders: Don Miguel Ruiz

Don Miguel Ruiz is a Mexican author of multiple books who have popularized Toltec wisdom. He teaches the four agreements which are four ancient Toltec teachings.

The Four Agreements are:

  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally.
  3. Don’t Make Assumptions.
  4. Always Do Your Best.

These agreements are powerful and the basis of living. Simply put, you should never assume anything, always be true to your word and always strive to do the best in everything you do. These are very easy to follow but are so powerful in transforming your spiritual being.

Spirituality Leaders: Don Miguel Ruiz

Spirituality Leaders: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian and an ambassador of peace. His Art of Living Foundation launched the NONVIO movement in 2013 which calls on the world to pledge one act of non-violence through social media platforms. He has connected millions of people together using projects and courses focusing on a violence-free world.

If you are interested in seeing more of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s work, here is his website: https://www.srisriravishankar.org/.

Spirituality leader

Spirituality Leaders: Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is the author of The Secret. This is no doubt one of the most popular and influential spiritual books in the world. It focuses on the spiritual belief in the law of attraction and positive thoughts.

Here is a video on The Secret and its teachings if you are interested:


There are countless influential spirituality leaders in the world but this article touched on ten of the most influential ones in today’s society. These spirituality leaders have all brought very important beliefs and teachings to the world through their books and theories.

If you found this article interesting, you may also find an article we have written on signs of spiritual awakening which I have linked for your convenience here: Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life.


Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life


Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: What Causes a Spiritual Awakening?

More often than not a spiritual awakening is caused by your need for the cry of extreme changed to be made in your life.  Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages will go over every possible category to the signs, the reasons, and the messages and what they mean.  You may begin this journey from a cry for help bout extra guidance is strongly recommended!  Love Support and structure to make the habitual changes come into routine.

We often know through many of our past life experiences that change can be a high mountain to climb.  Many of us fear change in itself and this is were we stress the importance of Divine Guidance and the importance of it in your intentions on living a happier healthier lifestyle.  When seeking help it is important to re structure your life and values meditation helps to clear your mind and see clearly your goals and visions you want to achieve.  I can not stress enough my favorite article and how it is so relevant to all aspects of life entitled 33 Spiritual Laws of the Universe: Use This Knowledge Now to Create Incredible Change In Your.  

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages can happen at anytime through your life path.  We can notice our spiritual awakening and ask Divine assistance from the spiritual realms.  Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages also happen very often when you are going through a large life change such as giving up substance abuse, alcohol, drugs, heroine.  These are life changes and habits that have been apart of you this is why it is important to understand the significance of help.

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: What Causes a Spiritual Awakening?

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: What Causes a Spiritual Awakening?

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: What Is A Spiritual Awakening?


I wanted to involve a brief section about what is a spiritual awakening.  In uncovering the signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages I felt that it would be a perfect time to discuss the what factor.  The words may hold some past meaning to any reader on this article, and the meaning may hold enough commonality to not need a definition.  When glancing at the word Spiritual Awakening many would assume it would mean just that an awakening of your spiritual self.  In exact definition “terms a spiritual awakening is the illusion that you separate from oneness”.

Through this time of awakening and the revelation that is encountered a persons every moves and transforms the soul.  this powerful moment heals past wounds, and creates a disappearance of false beliefs and illusions, they energy directs you to your most purse way of expressing  independently yourself and your values in life.

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages is realized throughout your whole physical and mental state and  self.  through the power and energy of the spiritual awakening a sense of pain, misconception, and truth come over the person in light to move to a clear path.


Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: What Are The Symptoms Spiritual Awakening?

As soon as you start thinking subconsciously or continuously there must be something more to this.  You are aware of the path you are on and realize that this may not be the best for your future.  You become more aware you become connected to “God” or source energy.  you go over the same statements in your mind you keep questioning yourself:  “There must be something more to this?”

This is something many people will do in the time of there life and this is most likely the stage known as the triggering awakening stage.  When you are becoming aware of life in the scene of the deeper meaning of life and the actual source of life you.  You experience the individual oneness of life and accept the connection of life.  Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages means eventually you are going to come face to face with your own divinity.  [Divinity:  deity; godhood.  a divine being; God.]

You will come face to face in what your path is in life and your true happiness.  This sounds like a blessing to many as we would all want to understand our path and our spiritual divinity.  Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages can hopefully be the goal of many as they will play there life out with clarity and focus with a set goal.

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

There unfortunate is a flip side to this and the Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages.  When this occurs, the beginning stages of the spiritual awakening in which you become face to face with your own divinity.  This intense position in your life causes you to automatically to force you to face a hard reality.  When you see the Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages you need to shed you whole life to become clean  all your childhood wounds, judgments, emotional baggage, all lies, all masks you presented yourself in the world with!

Therefore coming face to face with this you will be faced with a difficult task in were you need to shed everything in your life that is unpure and lies.  This process can  be harsh and require a lot of work and become very difficult to navigate at times.


Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages



Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Why Is Spiritual Awakening So Painful?

As much as this process sounds like a smooth transition with all roses and sunshine it is not.  We need to remember things that are easy do not have a good reward, it is those things we work hard for with a great reward.  As we stated the divinity we come to face is a spectacular achievement.  Our zen at the end of the Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages is remarkable.  Unfortunately it is not an easy task.

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages gives subtle encounters about our life however there is more of a transformation we need to undergo and this part can tend to be painful.  In order to achieve out end goal and accomplish our spiritual awakening we need to let go of all the negativity in our life.  For example if we have a problem with substance abuse we need to come to realization of this and quit.  Furthermore to achieve a complete stage of spiritual awakening we need to come to terms with a lot of our past.

Mentioned previously we go through a stage in which we shed a lot of the past resentment and negative feelings we had.

Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

The comeback is greater than the setback


Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 4 Reasons You Experience Pain

We understand that Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages is in actuality signs and decoding messages.  The reason why we are speaking about the whos, whys, whats is because this topic is to large to just look over.  We want to make it very clear if anyone is experiencing Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages there is a lot more to understand to ensure you are on a proper path to a clear life of divinity.

In this segment we will go over 4 reasons in which why we experience pain and what to expect.
1.  You Are Escaping Your Ego
2. Your Entering Unfamiliar territory
3. Your Not Following Social Norms
4.  You Are Afraid You Have Gone Crazy

Physical and spiritual guidance would be a strong recommendation for anyone to overcome this process and be directed in the proper path.  Jade bracelets have been known to have a positive effect on people and may be an easy addition in aiding the soul path to oneself.


Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

The Journey Looks Tough But Your Path Is One

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: How Can I Speed Up My Spiritual Awakening?

In many parts of our life we are looking for the quickest way possible to achieve a specific goal.  Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret message allows us to realize that our path is coming into place.  As we have learned there is plenty of work that needs to be done to achieve such  a state of mind.

To speed up the spiritual awakening you require to put in the effort.  your goals are to heal your body, mind, soul, inner child and spirit- which will move you close to the awakening process.

Reading the above statement is easier said than done and requires a lot of work to reach the stage in which you can heal your
-Inner Child

If one partakes in such events like gossip, self harm to your body such as addiction, lack of care in the form of over eating, greed, shame, doubt, fear will insure your path to spiritual awakening will take much longer.

Your goal is to heal and rid the body of all harmful activities ever taken place in the past.  You must ensure not just physical but mentally you come to a clear state in which you are at inner peace.  Specific practices and habits will ensure you are on the right path and will indeed speed up your spiritual awakening.

Ways to Speed up Your Spiritual Awakening

-Heal and Forgive the Past
-Become One With Nature
-Shut Off Your Mind (Meditation)
-Eat Healthy 



Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

Be Aware Of The Mind

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages:  SPIRITUAL AWAKENING SIGNS


Upon this journey we are given signs were we subconsciously feel that it is time for us to undertake a journey in which we can better ourselves.  Remember the reason we want this change is because a voice is telling us it is time for a change.  Our life is difficult and we have evolved into unhealthy patterns such as over eating or greed.  When we come to terms with this there are about a dozen or so (12) signs in which everyone experiences.

  1.  Your May Hear Voices As You Become More “Woke”
    When you are in a bad state such as alcoholism you are so disconnected with your inner self.  You drink way to much and do not appreciate life and all its treasures.  Once you proceed with a change you will hear your inner self motivating you.  You may hear these voices and feel these are fake and you are going crazy but these words can help you.  They can ensure you are on the life path guided to you.

    Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages

    Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages can happen at anytime through your life path.  We can notice our spiritual awakening and ask Divine assistance from the spiritual realms.  Signs of spiritual awakening receiving secret messages also happen very often when you are going through a large life change such as giving up substance abuse, alcohol, drugs, heroine.  These are life changes and habits that have been apart of you this is why it is important to understand the significance of help.

  2.   Seeing Orbs Of Light Is A Commonality When Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening
    When experiencing a spiritual awakening you will almost always see in the corner of your eyes some flashes or orbs of light.  Many people report that they would see a light darting in the middle of no were from one end of there car to the other.  Others have stated even sitting down in there house these lights just darted from one end to the other into one wall and out of sight.  These are seen at a time when you need them the most and it is most commonly understood as angels and spirits giving you a sign to guide you. 
  3. Sensing A  Loving Touch Your Shoulders Or Hand
    In life many times even if you think you do not need help you may feel some kind of energy through or around you.  this energy is a gentle touch on your hand or shoulder basically a scene of assurance to let you know that you are not alone in this journey.  your spiritual guide or angel has come to support you in a time were you need it with a sense of touch.

    The gentle touch has been said to be a feeling of love, peace and support.  People we interviewed in the past have told us that the energy is a sense of fulfillment and welcomed in a form of support.  

    Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages:  SPIRITUAL AWAKENING SIGNS

    Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages:  SPIRITUAL AWAKENING SIGNS


  4. Hearing Gentle Noises When You Are Sleeping
    This is always experienced by many people.  This is a subtle sign that can speak volumes about your path on the journey to receive signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages:  SPIRITUAL AWAKENING SIGNS.  Many times when I have had a day that was difficult or i failed myself i would wake up suddenly not from the stress of a long day but from the feelings of love.  I remind myself not to be to hard on myself because my spirit and angels are watching and guiding me through this journey.


Receiving secret messages is another sign of a spiritual awakening.   These are important signals because you see a lot of signs from the universe telling you keep up the good work.   The best way I can describe it is that there is a race and people are cheering you on as you get closer and closer to the finish line.

In our research it is often reported that people see different signs and messages in clouds for instance and particular shapes that are dear to them.   often enough people have seen these messages through technology.  When listening to the radio there is some advice or messages spoken that hit you hard and basically assure you this is a sign do not give up!

People have very often noticed that phones would freeze at particular times there was an important moment to convey to you. It is remarkable and really shows the power of spirituality and how strong we can be mentally to overcome obstacles.

The experiences went as followed:  The Universe gave many signs clouds, pausing phones, messages on radios.  These messages had many signs such as balance and fear to assure security during the spiritual awakening.

These can happen to us and we seem to overlook them or not notice them.  We need to pay closer attention and try to understand the messages the universe is portraying to us!

But remember to be smart about this look at these messages about guidance in terms of putting you on the proper track.  

The messages can become discerning if you read into them to much.  Messages can be confusing and overwhelming and may be misread.  The Media may push a message that may make you look at yourself in a negative light.  It is okay to ignore messages that make you feel less self worth.

The Universe and the messages are there to guide you not make you feel bad about yourself.  if these messages scare you remember they may not be something intended for you and you need to get back to a clarity and refocus your path.

Remember the universe is powerful and will give you messages some you are not ready for but be strong and brave maybe the change is tough but your capabilities are beyond what you know!!


Final thoughts Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Receiving Secret Messages: Top 12 Signs That Can Change Your Life are very common and are awakening.  these can be experiences not welcomed and very difficult to overcome.  These can also create a sense of utopia for us mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  The above mentioned in the article are just many more common signs of what happens and how you receive messages from your awakening.  The list is so hard to believe and overwhelming and the speed of your spiritual awakening can vary.  for some people this may happen super quick because you simply need to.

If these signs are happening to you remember these are put in place by the universe to help you overcome your personal huddles.  These are wonderful signs to get you on a path in were your life purpose will rest itself.  Remember you can do anything and through this journey you may find it difficult but believe and remember your support group is larger than you think.

As always please feel free to comment or personally message me and Joanne any questions you may have.  We welcome different topics and articles you may be interested in us writing.  Happy reading and remember you are great:)

Benefits of Wearing A Jade Bangle 101

Benefits of Wearing A Jade Bangle

There are many benefits of wearing a jade bangle, or any jade jewellery for that matter. Jade brings good luck, health, wealth and love. It also has many healing properties. In this article we will discuss the benefits of wearing a jade bangle as well as how to incorporate jade in your life.

Benefits of wearing a jade bangle

The jade gemstone is said to be one of the oldest gemstones. It was originally used to make tools due to its hard and durable nature. The Chinese then began using it in ornaments, jewellery and statues and it became widely popular due to its vast benefits. There are physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of wearing a jade bangle.

Physical Benefits Of Wearing a Jade Bangle

There are many physical benefits of wearing a jade bangle. It is said to promote fertility, protect from all harm, and more. Jade also helps heal the body of any physical hurt that it has suffered whether internally or externally. It eliminates toxins from entering your body and heals ailments.

Emotional Benefits Of Wearing a Jade Bangle

There are many emotional benefits of wearing a jade bangle. Jade is said to bring calming energy to the person wearing it. It harmonizes and balances internally, while emitting love.

Spiritual Benefits Of Wearing a Jade Bangle

There are many spiritual benefits of wearing a jade bangle. Jade is said to release negative energy and attract positive energy for the wearer. Jade also aids in connecting to the spiritual realm and those in it. Also, wearing a jade bangle while meditating intensifies your tranquil state of mind.

Venus Trine Mars Synastry: #1 Meaning For Friendship and Love

Benefits of Wearing A Jade Bangle for Dreams

Jade is also used as a dream-enhancer. If you put a piece of jade under your pillow or inside your pillowcase while you are sleeping you will notice that you will have more vivid dreams and better dreams.

Benefits of wearing a jade bangle

Jade in Beauty

Jade has become extremely popular in beauty recently. Jade rollers are seen everywhere on social media, magazines, and in advertising. Using a jade roller helps increase circulation and blood flow to the face, reduce puffiness, improve the lymphatic system, and leaves your face lighter and smoother.

Jade Brings Good Luck

Jade is seen as a lucky stone. It promotes good health, wealth, love and more. Jade is linked to the earth and removes all imbalances and bad luck in life.

Different Types of Jade

According to crystalvaults.com, there are different benefits of different colours of jade. The most popular type of jade is green, but below is their breakdown of benefits of all the other types of jade.

Black Jade emanates strong, protective energies to ward off negative assault, physical or psychological, including self limitation.

Blue Jade calms the mind, encouraging peace and reflection, and is valuable in promoting visions and dreams.

Brown Jade is grounding. It connects to the earth and provides comfort and reliability.

Lavender Jade alleviates emotional hurt and provides spiritual nourishment. Its energy is of the highest etheric spectrum.

Orange Jade brings joy and teaches the interconnectedness of all beings. It is energetic and quietly stimulating.

Purple Jade encourages mirth and happiness, and purifies one’s aura. It dispels the negative and increases one’s level of discernment.

Red Jade is a stone of life-force energy, dispelling fear that holds one back, and urges one to action.

White Jade filters distractions, pulls in relevant, constructive information and aids in decision making.

Yellow Jade is cheerful and energetic, a stone of assimilation and discrimination.

It’s Time To Incorporate Jade In Your Life!

As you have read throughout this article, there are countless benefits of wearing a jade bangle and incorporating jade in your everyday life. Jade has physical, emotional and spiritual benefits and so much more. Wearing a jade bangle is an easy thing to do to reap all the benefits and it’s a great investment to make.